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The Chaldean Mafia was first picked up by the sights of law enforcement agencies in the suburbs of Detroit in the mid to late 1980s; since then, the organization has grown into having multiple cells within the United States. The figurehead Akrawi family maintained Detroit as the capital of the Chaldean underworld. With various cells within the American Southwest, cities like Phoenix and San Diego became significant hubs for the nationwide drug distribution ring that the Akrawi family set up.


While the Akrawi family ran the show for most of the organization from Detroit, two competing cells within the southwest were run by their respective families, the Kanon and Brula families. Kanon controls the border-based distribution hub in El Cajon or, as it is referred to by members of the Kanon cell, "Ishtar Gate." El Cajon would first receive most products coming in from south of the border, and then narcotics would later see their way into cities like San Diego and Phoenix. While Kanon and his cell controlled the initial entry points at the border for their drugs, the nationwide distribution would primarily occur within Phoenix, where the Brula cell of the Chaldean mob handled transportation and distribution. The two groups would always undertake clandestine action against each other, leaving a few bodies and a trail for law enforcement to follow. The internal conflicts between the two cells led to a power struggle, which left the Brula faction of the Chaldean Mafia defunct. 


With its newfound position, the Kanon faction expanded and attempted to grow from El Cajon into Los Santos and San Fierro. However, while the northern San Andreas expansion into San Fierro was fruitful, the Los Santos-based Gardo Cell was flushed out after the capitulation of its leadership following the deportation of Roy "Amo" Gardo and the deaths of his lieutenants Thomas "Tommy Rose" Warda and Anthony "Tony White" Misho. This left a gap for the Chaldean Mafia in one of its most profitable venues in the southwest, a gap they needed to fill.


Paul "Tic-Tac" Hana, a first-generation immigrant from Baghdad and surrogate son of Casey "Muhasib" Kanon, was instilled as the new figurehead for the remnants of the Los Santos-based cell for the Chaldean Mob. Hana, a street thug through and through, used his newfound position as a captain under Kanon to strongarm his way to the Los Santos table. With the incorporation of smaller groups of other Chaldeans, Iraqi-Americans, Iraqi-Armenians, and even a small set of Kurds, Hana could span his organization throughout the Morningwood and Del Perro areas, some cliques even functioning in the West Vinewood district. This network of small cells that could trace all their backgrounds to Mesopotamia became an effective underworld operation. 


Keeping with the norms of the Chaldean Mafia, The Hana Group was responsible for distributing narcotics and illegally exporting vehicles throughout the southeast Pacific and parts of the Middle East. With their proximity to the border and location in a port city, these operations come naturally to them. However, while narcotics and cars were the primary sources of income for the organization, the groups operating under Paul Hana were pitted against each other and often times in minor conflicts over who controlled what source of income. Hana encouraged competition amongst his lackeys and often rewarded those who went above the rest, creating a dog-eat-dog environment within his organization... For better or worse.

OOC Expectations:


We are aiming at portraying an accurate representation of Iraqi organized crime in the southwest United States. Characters within this faction will be given the freedom to act as they wish, but they also need to keep in mind the consequences that may come with their actions. You won't be expected to spam the thread with screens, but active and quality particpation will be required of you.


Faction leadership will reserve the right to kill off any characters affiliated with the faction as seen fit. You will be required to sign over your CK perms upon joining the faction. Trollish behavior and breaking community rules will not be tolerated.


You may create a character with an ethnic background from the following: Iraqi-Chaldean, Iraqi-Armenian, Iraqi-American, or Northern Iraqi-Kurd. This organization, like the Chaldean mob, will only include male members from the mentioned backgrounds of the various ethnic groups coming from Iraq.



Forum PM @arkan or @Tony White for any questions.

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