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Even as someone who owns a gym which is a pretty rough scene in terms of publicity - OOC benefits from the business would just turn it into a grind fest for people who /just/ want to get an OOC advantage.. Whilst script fighting. Same thing happened when steroids and other drug benefits were introduced. People RP'd the drugs in a piss poor manner just to get an extra edge in script fights;


It's a double edged sword.

On one hand, yes. It would breathe some life into gym RP.

On the other hand, it would most certainly get abused by people who just want to get an advantage OOC wise.


--> I'd recommend adding some lesser benefits. Maybe re-introduce the stamina stat from GTA:V? If a character is unhealthy, they can't /sprint/ for as long as someone who is healthy?
--> Strength /COULD/ be added, but don't make it affect the actual damage of a player; Make it affect how much they can carry? What they can drag? Maybe develop it into the hunting script? You need to work out a bit to make sure your character can actually drag a boar or so?

Something that doesn't really give people an advantage over others.. Directly, like in the form of damage or so - Instead, make it something that would benefit whoever.. Goes out of their way to get it, whilst at the same time not demeaning the effort other people have put into gym RP already.

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  • Developer

There's simply no way to make it feel like not farming. People that farm gym hours in game (people with 12 hours free every day) will always be above players that play casually


I know IG swat officers that rp 1-2 hours a day because they have a job and kids irl, it'd not make sense to add a system that'd p much make an 18 year old be stronger than a 30 year old swat officer just because he farms hours. This is too RPG like it was said.


This is something you should roleplay. 

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