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  1. rip piddy best char this facs seen fs
  2. i would like to shout out my dear lover @reraroo for his immaculate feat. reraroo said ss only
  4. ugly ass nigga start workin onnat modpack instead of dis
  5. ayfoocarnalgas1322 seemon omey tryna get a chela omes?
  6. I'm sorry to say, but almost every single time I've mugged a legal RPer, they either powergamed that they didn't have their phone on them even thought it was in their inventory. I mean I'm not saying that Illegal RPers don't do it either, but it's much more consistent with legals. And this robbery addition just sucks, literally. I'm not gonna run a fucking mile to mug someone then run another mile to escape, and neither is anyone with a decently-sized brain.
  7. I don't see the actual point in this new clarification, hop-out robberies are so common nowadays IRL that it's practically the most chosen method used in muggings. Now I can understand why the rule itself (prior to this little "clarification") exists, it's used as a way to balance out people from playing this shit like a 100K or die server. However, I think this new addition is just management once again nerfing Illegal RPers and throwing yet another benefit to the mallrats. Like seriously, I could understand that little addition if it was centered around people mugging in broad fucking daylight in the middle of a populated road, but if the victim is in a secluded alleyway/area? They should well be able to get fucked over like that. It's totally not like we as the Illegal community already have to consistently deal with legal RPers powergaming everything in the robbery because they don't want to lose their phones filled with sexting and whatever the fuck else, shit's annoying enough. If I seriously can't scout a victim(s) for a few minutes, then go down two-three blocks and park up to rob them? Then what's the point? The original rule itself is already a massive safeguard to victims. Just yet again another useless rule that just gets more players in trouble and makes more people want to do interior RP. Like dawg, this server is one of those places where you're expected to lose from time to time. And honestly anyone who has a vehicle and wants to mug someone is sure as fuck not gonna go and sprint a mile and sprint back once they're done.
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