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Everything posted by rectieo

  1. https://streamable.com/4t8npx Can this one please be added where literally no one knows your undercover?
  2. Yeah we already got all 3 links, just wait for it to be added that's all.
  3. Thank you Tiddy again! These scouts are just getting ignored for many years now, finally it came true!
  4. Detailed Description Hey there, I don't know why this hasn't been added yet but the Vapid Scouts we have are based off 2013-15, there are literally 3 newer models than the ones that the current server has and it's just a bit weird not getting the new ones. I will list down the three new scouts links and some photos, hopefully a good developer or Modder will make these additions to our roleplay experience. https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/vapid-scout-patrol-emergency-services-pack https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/non-els-add-on-mlo-eup-los-santos-county-sheriff-pack (( The second link about the Los Santos County Sheriff's pack, I am talking about the two scouts, I don't know if devs want to add the other cars doubt that will happen. )) https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/vapid-scout-2020-add-on-soundbank-lods (( About the 2020 Scout, this is just a civilian version and the police ones will be added soon, I have some pictures of the police ones too )) Relevant Commands/Items N/A How will it benefit the server? It can benefit the server by realism and we can achieve that by adding new civilian vehicles, police and even EMS vehicles. We can have more varies of this wonderful vehicle am sure a lot of people love through the server. As we know the real world still uses the Ford Explorer 2013-15 but they are slowly becoming old, however still a good vehicle! However most departments have added the ford explorers and so should we!
  5. That's already in that mod, it's honestly worth it and easy!
  6. Detailed Description Hey there, I want to start off by saying we should add this mod for more realism where as different departments use different stun gun tints where it can be loaded for all players and we can still be inside the lore world of Grand Theft Auto V. This suggestion is something small that makes a huge realism impact on the server where it reflects real life agencies to use the correct stun guns. In grand theft auto the stun guns are just used for fun or being stealthy in GTAO whereas in roleplay it's overlooked and some people just suggest to install a stun gun replace, however for GTAW considering we are lore friendly ,we should also be using lore friendly stun gun tints where it's easy and a cool mod. https://www.gta5-mods.com/weapons/better-stun-gun-tints My point is that for example SAPR uses green tint, LSSD uses black or gold and finally LSPD uses the green one. Pretty simple cool feature to the server, hopefully you guys like it. Relevant Commands/Items /equip - /taser How will it benefit the server? Huge Impact on realism - Realistic Agencies - Correct Spec for all departments.
  7. rectieo

    add horse

    +1 Horse will add more county roleplay.
  8. Honestly most of the things that are written are just meant to be RPED, RPG RP servers are not my sort however I would like an fuel consumption increase, it sucks how I go 100 miles with a car and then only three-four bars go down, some cars differ but on an average scale all cars don't use that much fuel as they would real life.
  9. I will just help you out here, literally your SPECS are horrible for GTAV, and your specs were made for Low settings for GTA San Andreas, however no worries! I have a mod that I used before I upgraded my GPU and CPU: https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/gta-v-for-extreme-low-end-pc-settings-512mb-vram use the newest update! You will have no texture loss and your graphics will look very bad, however, it runs and it's smooth for your specs, am sure your GPU has at least 512 VRAM. I used it, however, the only annoying thing with it is the fact that some people/cars/objects disappear closer than regularly so just keep that in mind during chases or you want to spot something a bit far away. Hope this helps, FYI I am talking about SP experience, however I think performance will be better in GTAW considering no population density and all of that.
  10. +1 yeah, I literally died by script because I ran 125 MPH into it.
  11. Exactly my point, LSSD shouldn't even have that much focus in the city, and I think someone else said this. However, it's still cool to have LASD Compton. IRL LASD has only Compton and south LA patrols, not goddamn entire LA, that just makes LAPD useless if this happens IRL. Therefore LSSD should stay in the city but not as deep as they are now, and focus more on the county as well. SAPR should start focusing more on state parks, as that's what they supposed to be doing and it's fun and passive RP as they signed up for.
  12. I don't think a viewable object will be seen and if someone asks in /do Is Tyler wearing their seatbelt? I bet Tyler would just do the command or button and /do Yes. +1 However it' should be implemented with a new ragdoll system where if you go like 110 MPH and you crash, you get ejected. You have a seatbelt you get knocked out but not ejected.
  13. From my understanding of real-life agencies, I understand SAPR was intended to just be unique roleplay, but they have nothing unique to actually do from all I have gathered on this server. Barely any hunters or anything to do in the state parks, the only time some action happens there is if a pursuit or fire happens over there. SAPR focuses more on Sandy Shores and Paleto and the county from what I know, and I don't blame them. Barely any RP in the state parks, changing SAPR to SAHP would be great, this doesn't mean SAHP is going to take over the LEO factions, SAHP should still be a passive RP LEO faction but still at the same time be granted permission all over the county, because realistically, LAPD and LASD have mutually aided with CHP in pursuits and car accidents or even scene handling. CHP is around the city of Los Angeles sometimes and can be seen regularly around the overpasses and such. CHP is basically as a last resort when there aren't enough units to aid with for example traffic control or setting up cones at collisions, however CHP's aren't just traffic cops IRL, CHP's have special assignments and don't usually all go for traffic and EVOC. However, it's one of their primary assignments, some of them actually focus on community engagement and such. Therefore adding SAHP instead of SAPR would be great for many occasions. 1st, More of the players get to roleplay inside a passive LEO faction, 2nd more roleplay immersion, c'mon' tell me a single time you've seen park rangers in the city, unlike LS at night, LS at night time had Park rangers crawling over it, sometimes because LSSD and LSPD were non-sufficient enough to provide units, IRL if this would have happened CHP's would respond not goddamn California State Parks, State parks some of them aren't even armed, most the armed units are inside Game Wardens. Some CHP's even lead inside the city, this would rarely happen with California State parks, therefore it's just immersive to just have SAHP instead of SAPR. SAPR is also very unrealistic in how they patrol Sandy Shores, IRL they would be punished for even going inside their jurisdiction, and wouldn't have much authority over the crimes that happened there. Most of the State park rangers IRL who are armed and in the cities of California are in the beach details. I don't know how to explain but just SAHP would be preferred over SAPR, because of the lack of immersion, however, SAPR have maintained good faction reps so far, and am proud of how good of a faction they have become, despite all the changes over the years as they mention. Still, a go-to faction if you are interested in calm and community engagement roleplay. Just my point is that there is, CHP is seen around the county and borders of LA more than state parks and sometimes they are inside them. In LS you see /sometimes/ (not all) SAPR in the city at late night, IRL SAHP would be there instead of them. SAPR has become more of an LSSD patrol in the county since they aren't that engaged in the state parks from what I've seen.
  14. rectieo


    +1 However please make a smoke effect for all the anims of smoking!
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