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About nickM

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  1. Update 3.6.3 Additions The first iteration of the trucking revamp makes its way into the game, fuel trucks! @808Masterus Added /edithud: opens a settings menu on the HUD which allows you to dynamically edit the position of the different blocks and their size. @Azelat HUD Settings can be restored by default with this menu. Add a custom notification system to HUD, for all notifications appearing above the GPS. @Azelat Added the option to relay faction/business hotlines to a Discord webhook, allowing for more hotline calls to be seen and answered in a timely manner. @zoephix Added a 24-hour warning and an "insurance expired" warning on vehicle spawning (/vg, /vget). @nickM Added vehicle auto insurance (/vautoinsure) that automatically renews the vehicle insurance after spawning in, if it has expired. The same command may be used to disable it. @nickM This feature is disabled by default. If the vehicle is part of an organization or business, the insurance will be paid by the organization and/or business bank. These take priority over owner's bank account. In the case of partnered vehicles, the insurance is paid by the original vehicle owner's bank account. The auto-renewed insurance is fixed to 31 additional days. If the balance is not sufficient in any of the accounts to cover the payment, you will be notified of the failed transaction on vehicle spawn. Added another insurance expiry warning, setting in 24 hours before the actual insurance expiry date and time. @nickM Custom animations (/customanim) are now synced to everyone, both upper and lower body combinations. @nickM Changes /vehicleget (/vg, /vget) display will now consist of multiple pages if more than 50 vehicles are owned. @nickM Each 'page' shows a maximum of 50 results and you can switch between them to load more/less vehicles. Furniture search name matching is now less strict. @nickM Changed how furniture searching is structured, resulting in faster search results during peak hours. If the furniture is named, for example, "White Kitchen Counter" it can now be found with "white counter" search. Previously, it would only show for "White Kitchen" or "Kitchen Counter" searches Using /muteradio on muted slot will no longer unmute it automatically. @808Masterus Changed the messages that show up whenever you try to mute the radio slot using /muteradio that is already muted, or /unmuteradio not muted slot. From now on, you will receive a piece of information about what command to use. @808Masterus /phonesize will now be saved locally in your local settings file. That means you can manipulate it 'even more' if you know what are you doing, and it will now be shared and saved across character instances, instead of being character-based. @808Masterus Only downside of that change is that the current /phonesize will now longer be parsed, and you will need to re-do it once again to match with the current 'system'. Whenever your local settings will corrupt (due to random BSOD for example while playing on the server) this setting will be wiped and you will need to re-do it. Additionally, added a 'Phone Size' slider in /settings UI. Added extra confirmations for disenchanting Pandamon cards. @nickM Fixes Fixed an instance of the player vehicle list not showing up if many vehicles were owned. @nickM Fixed an instance of players being able to identify masked individuals. @nickM Furniture preview object lifted slightly to prevent it from spawning half below ground. It is now one with the position it spawns in after selecting it. @nickM Fixed an instance of fishing job messages randomly appearing in the chat for newly logged players. @nickM Fixed an instance of "You would notice a lot of fishes around you" randomly appearing. @nickM Fixed a bug where you could create more than one jail character. @Gibbz
  2. You should be able to run it fairly easily with BootCamp. The FPS will usually be around 40-50, as well, MacBooks aren't really known for good GPU performance. The main issue that causes FPS drop is the retina display, however. A looot of pixels.
  3. whats up warrior
  4. Locking due to expired link. For anyone searching for it, please refer to @BadassBaboon's official Discord server. https://discord.com/channels/524982208910458880/861926497173766184/1165048037043863643
  5. whats wrong with 99%ers uh?!?!
  6. Update 3.6.1 Additions Faction recommendations & applications make their way in-game! Added /givemembership to give players a gym membership without paying, usable by the owner. @Gibbz Added /getmemberships to see a list of all memberships for a gym. @Gibbz FD CAD has been approved to create fires, automated 911 call is made once the fire ignites. @St3fan[NL] People in the near area of the fire will receive an OOC warning letting them know a fire is about to start Added /closebets and /openbets comamnds for roulette tables. The table will work as usual, but the placing of bets will not be allowed. @nickM Added optional argument in /devicelist command to list them in UI or on chat. Use /devicelist yes/no, where 'yes' (UI) will be set by default. @zoephix Added optional argument in /bpaccept after hash to give the employee a tip after recieving an offer for payment (/barpay for example). This is limited to $10.000 per transact. @808Masterus Example usage: /bpaccept ABC123 500, which will confirm the transaction with ABC123 hash, and will give an employee a $500 tip on their personal bank account. 44 new animations: lookingatground, coffeehold2, sitground6, crouched3, fkneel2, leaningcrossedarms2, leaningcrossedhands, leandoor, djset, djidle to djidle18, djsync to djsync10, djdance to djdance6. @St3fan[NL] /tablesize lets you scale the ONE UI. Planned to implement this command over to the blackjack and poker UI's as well. @St3fan[NL] /setglassescustom, you can set up to 5 glasses types, that you can set on any outfit by using /glasses custom1-5. @St3fan[NL] Useful for example in the summer for using normal glasses and sunglasses without needing to edit your outfits continuously. Added 'Mark' option in /availableleases UI. @808Masterus Added animation to bank UI businesses to smoothen movement and reduce the necessity for pixel-perfect positioning. @nickM Changes You now have to /gymsubscribe confirm to confirm your subscription before purchase. @Gibbz Changed step values in chat width/size and font size sliders in /settings to 1 instead of 5/10. That should help with some adjustments for those who don't want to use commands. @808Masterus Changed valid values range of chat width from 30-50 to 20-60. From now you will be able to make it even bigger or even smaller to your preference. The default will stay at 40. @808Masterus Closing roulette tables will automatically kick everyone out of the lobby without waiting for the next round. @nickM Bet status (open/closed) will now displayed in the chat along with other table information. @nickM Changed dealership pictures to be stored locally within the local server resources instead of loading them dynamically from the web servers. @808Masterus The downside of this change is that you'll need to download around 100MB more of the server resources to download the dealership pictures. The biggest advantage of this change is that images will load in a matter of seconds, making the UI work much smoother and quicker. Also, it will allow images to load, regardless of whether there are issues with GTA World web servers. Adjusted /availableleases UI. @808Masterus There is now more space for the property name to be shown. Price will now be formatted like in other places. /robhouse will now be allowed only on certain property types. That means, you will no longer be able to /robhouse a business property for example. @808Masterus Removed mapping mode check preventing from closing new tips windows. @808Masterus Changed the vehicle chopped message to avoid confusion and pointless calls to LSPD about vehicle that they never interacted with. @808Masterus After a poker flop, river, or turn, the raise amount is set back blind + bet step. @nickM Previously, if one raised to $10,000 and everyone called, the minimum raise amount would be stuck at the maximum bet. This is no longer the case. Fixes Fixed some issues with the gym script. Y will not charge you anymore, you will need to /gymsubscribe. @Gibbz Fixed some new vehicles' inventory sizes. @Gibbz Fixed a few typos with the drug script. @Gibbz Fixed an issue where showing someone else's ID would sometimes show the wrong values. @Gibbz Fixed /approvemembership not charging players. @Gibbz Fixed an issue with membership renewal not charging players. @Gibbz Fixed an issue with /approvemembership charging employees instead of the requesting party. @Gibbz Fixed issue while searching station via XMR UI that will play list index station ID instead of valid station ID. @808Masterus For example, if station 582 was first on the list, it will now play station 582 and not station 1. Prevent joining a different ONE table while already part of another ONE table. @St3fan[NL] Fixed game crash/lag on /resetoutfit all with a large number of outfit slots. @808Masterus Fixed an issue with the shopping UI. @nickM Fixed device UI issues and restored access to the /devicemenu command. @zoephix Fixed an issue where acticle comments would fail to load. @Gibbz Fixed expired link shown in the property rules message. @808Masterus Fixed (for good this time) faction information markers disappearing randomly. @808Masterus
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