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Kane Puledrotti

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Everything posted by Kane Puledrotti

  1. (Joke thing - don't take it wrong way , hehe)
  2. Sounds like a big time character-development-dictatorship ;/ why can't people just let others go with the flow and if they get caught doing illegal stuff on campus or anywhere else, they'd be processed. What's with all this "safe-nets" , can't do that, can't do this.. shouldn't the whole concept of RP be..going with the flow and see where development takes its place? And let people face the consequence IC-ly.
  3. Join the department and see how things are for yourself, what thrives them and all that. Any why they do, what they do. No need to drop some weird ass commentary about PD's role-play or posting their screens shots to try to make them look bad, because its all in-character. If they got 5-10 guys on one guy, well that's up to them. You've seen how it is nowdays, right? You got dozen of cops on one suspect, not to mention during the night time when most monsters come out, they won't respond to a known gang area or suspect individual that may be gang related, they won't respond single or double unit, they'll bring additional units because a lot of times cops get shot at when they aren't in power in a known violent area. And you can't tell the police role-players /HOW TO ROLEPLAY/ what if I'd tell you to quit your gang RP and do it differently. You'd tell me to go fuck myself in all four directions, brother. You can't tell people how to execute their role-play, if they make mistakes while at it - they'll face the consequence if you go through proper channels, and even if departmental complaint won't work, use the evidence and send it to news or just expose it publicly, people will take notice. Everyone took notice after the IC footage of G6 guard shooting some kid getting shot for cutting a line, now imagine what they'd do if someone exposed police for doing something un-ethical or weird, but have anyone done it? Nope, just complaining how cops are role-playing. And my fellow American, if your so smart. Why not just join the PD and as you progress, you'd improve and teach the non-American coppers how to act correctly, they are doing their best you know, what they managed to picked up off TV and researches, they can't nail it 100 percent..its not like they got real police instructors, they are doing their best. And golden word that was given to me over a decade ago, when I was a bit critical about PD role-play "Can't beat them, join them". You can't it done neither with negativity and what you "expect" them to be, instead..join it to improve it. When you bash them, it won´t get anywhere. And its easy to raise up a stink, you don't see cops or anyone else posting "Gang RP and you" I bet it'd get a lot shittier commentary. - Kane Puledrotti / Castel Ramirez
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