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Everything posted by Gil

  1. IFM should add in more experienced members in their roster. I do not wish to point fingers at certain decisions, but there are some really questionable ones. It takes one scroll away to identify certain official factions that should have not gotten there in the first place. Now, I do not want to discredit certain factions that have put in the work and whatnot, but filtering it through objective criteria, you can not come up with a decent reason of why that certain faction is still official/got official (leaving aside that GTA World does not have the "screenshot culture" incorporated as LSRP had). Let me clear the air: I do not wish GTA World to have similarities to LSRP in its structure or orientation, but at the same time I can't close my eyes to certain role play screenshots shown by official factions that show sub par role play or totally unrealistic portrayal of that said faction. Or that a faction which just recently reopened got its official status without questioning its activity, player base etcetera. Or how certain factions are somewhat privileged and obtain the official status way sooner even though they brought nothing new to the table. Overall, my suggestion would be to make room for experienced illegal role players to join IFM and improve it. This is my take on the current IFM and how I see it from an external point of view. I might be wrong or I might not know the whole process IFM applies on up-coming official factions, however, you don't need a PhD to recognize unrealistic/ poorly portrayed factions. nota bene: I was part of LSRP's Faction Management for more than a year.
  2. Looking to buy either one of these two. Hit me up with your offers: 11696813 or at my e-mail address ((forum pm))
  3. where the skateboard at hate park
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