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Everything posted by Vinnie500

  1. Name: Copfukker1234 Comment: She arrested me last year, I will DEFINITELY be a bad boy for her again 😉
  2. Vinnie500

    404 error

    Username: Juulz Amount Donated:$0 Comment:boo hoo I'm mentally retarded, give me money and attention
  3. Is the Chavos still available? If so I'll snatch it for 45.
  4. Sirens going off and on for whatever reason, engine shuts itself off also. https://streamable.com/rx8wsd https://streamable.com/hbi0cg
  5. Username: random Comment: Ukraine isn't real it was invented in 1917 to justify long-term German occupation of Russian territory in their mitteleuropa scheme. In protest of reintegration of the Russian-led Soviet Union, they burned their own wheat and called it genocide. After this utter failure of an attempt to gain pity points, they collaborated with the Nazis and committed real genocide against civilians in Poland. The transfer of Crimea to Ukraine was carried out in a violation of the constitution of the Soviet Union as a symbolic act commemorating the 300th anniversary of Ukraine's integration into Russia. Today, over one-third of ''Ukranians'' natively speak Russian, further more ''Ukranian'' is literally just a dialect of Russian to begin with. In conclusion: Ukraine was invented by Germans, faked a genocide, committed a real genocide, doesn't own Crimea, doesn't have a real language and doesn't fucking exist.
  6. Username:trolle Comment: come up with smthn bttr nxt time fag
  7. Flow is looking for partner restaurants and delivery riders! Fill out the form on our website and we'll get back to you in less than 24 hours.
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