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eden ღ

Charity 2023 Tier 4 Donator
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About eden ღ

  • Birthday 04/21/1998

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  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Occupation
    Software Technician

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  • Character Name
    Frederick Coleman
  • Faction
    City of Los Santos

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  1. Username: EricTheAlbanian Comment: CHOP OFF FREDICKS HEAD!!!!
  2. Name: Frederick Coleman Comment: I restored a ran-down abandoned mosque to serve as a community centre for the local residents; I did not 'take over' an active place of worship, nor one that was benefitting the community. Perpetuating these narratives is shameful.
  3. Name: Frederick Coleman Comment: Thank you ever so much for attending Gabe, and for yours and the Los Santos Insider's donations. We're destined to do great things with this money! This is really a reflection of the people of Los Santos, everybody contributing in full force like never seen before after the Lafayette scam is simply astounding, a city with a heart of gold.
  4. To answer your question - what you see there is light-hearted banter; we're all involved in it, I like to call @Scunt a filthy democrat, but he's a solid dude. Tamara is one of the easiest going people ever. The only place you'll find actual hate is with specific characters caused by specific OOC feuds but they're very few and far between. The parties certainly don't hate each-other OOC. On the Republican side we actually hope for the betterment of SADEM, because it makes for more engaging roleplay when both of the parties are (somewhat) equal powerhouses. The majority of us on both sides have been somewhat involved since political RP took off in 2020. That doesn't mean we hold all the opportunity though, senate and council elections are coming, we just had a mayor election - people throw their hat in. I think it's disrespectful to pretend that what people have built is nothing more than an oligarchy gatekeeping outsiders, we actively want more interest in political RP - the reason it's been the same people for the most-part is because most people who get in to politics fade out, it's not extremely engaging roleplay, it's mostly a lot of work. Additionally, nobody wants to be 1:1 with the typical stereotype of a Democrat or Republican, you can be party affiliated and yet hold your own viewpoints - being ultra co-ordinated would make for boring RP. As for IRL, I generally disagree with Republicans. There's a difference between keeping things realistic, and keeping things 1:1 with IRL. All in all, political RP on the server is pretty realistic for the most-part now, and it's been a long road to get to that point. We're not Californians, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  5. Username: Frederick Coleman Comment: Like I said, I don't stand by every piece of scripture when taken literally - it's historic and times have changed. I do believe parts of the Old Testament are barbaric when taken literally, there's lots of violence in it, the mistreatment of women, slavery, etc; it's true to how humanity was back then. That being said, some people interpret scriptures like this non-literally or believe scripture to be metaphoric - which there is no wrong in. Using your own beliefs to claim to be offended by other's beliefs is nonsensical, much like quoting scripture to paint your own narratives is. You went out of your way to hurt the LGBTQ+ community because of their beliefs, they deserve God's love as much as anyone else, and you're not the gatekeeper on that. Scripture is up to interpretation. I won't be replying any further, you're already disgraced so I'm accomplishing nothing talking to you. I hope you take some time to reflect.
  6. Username: Frederick Coleman Comment: Just to make it clear, the comment Spencer presented was only up for a couple of hours, I had deleted it once a friend further educated me on the matter, I was always taught that the Old Testament was “overwritten” in a way by the new, but I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong on that. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs but if it involves believing in the quoted scripture literally and wishing for the death of homosexual people? I don’t stand by that. Times change, and that sentiment shouldn’t be held anymore. It’s not unfaithful to stray away from certain scripture, much like it is not unamerican to disagree with parts of our legal system, governance, etc. Being a blind follower is never a good thing.
  7. Name: Frederick Coleman Comment: I happily will, I’ll additionally ask Frank how he felt about your comment.
  8. Name: Frederick Coleman Comment: I’m glad you repeated that June is globally recognized as Pride Month, because something that is globally recognized is not going to be detrimented by a declaration at the State level which holds no relevance to the LGBTQ+ community, as you know – some of our Law Enforcement are part of that community themselves. One doesn’t cancel out the other, much like how Asian Heritage month is shared with Mental Health Awareness month. It is plain and clear that the Democratic party tries to use the LGBTQ+ community to politically capitalise, the point I just raised being an example of it. I’ll gladly refute the notion that Frank O’Shea was appointed as Vice Chairman because he is gay, he was our Chief of Staff for a very long time prior (an appointment that was not publicized) and has been nothing but admirable. Claiming he was only appointed because he is homosexual and not because he earned his place through merit is frankly disgusting; but we’re used to your wise crack comments Nikos. The chairman will be voted on in due course, Frank’s appointment was made to give the party a leader while we do our due diligence in allowing candidates to express their interest and for that vote to happen, Frank was the natural fit as he was the most senior non-executive member after Spencer’s resignation. If you show me some actual evidence of homophobia I’ll happily disavow; but right now, you and your party are pulling at straws, as you saw from the mayoral election – populism doesn’t secure votes.
  9. Name: Frederick Coleman Comment: Senator Rossi has shared his reasons, I quote: “I did not /block/ any resolution. I blocked a motion for the resolution to bypass committee. Now, the reason I voted against the motion to bypass committee is because the resolution itself firstly lacked inclusivity, and secondly, it was an obvious weapon to politicize the LGBT community for the Democratic Party's benefit. It quoted Joe Biden who is known to have spewed anti-LGBT rhetoric up until recent years. Do you really think President Joe Biden suddenly switched opinions on the LGBT community? No. He flipped because he's politicizing the LGBT community as well, and what I will not do is allow the opposition to do such a thing. — I tried meeting with Senator Jones several times about the resolution to discuss it, but each time was unsuccessful. ” Blocking a motion to bypass isn’t inherently discriminatory, he had his reasons which seem valid; I don’t see anywhere he has ever spoken in opposition of the LGBTQ+ community. You want honesty? The fact of the matter is, people blow things out of proportion to paint others as evil, when in reality that isn’t always the case. I think Democrats need to quit this populist nonsense and get serious.
  10. Name: Frederick Coleman Comment: Nearly the entire executive committee was up on stage at our press conference and shared the same stance in unison, so no - I don’t know who you’re referring to. If there were bad apples as you say and you acknowledge they are bad apples; why paint the entire party with the same brush? Spencer was a bad apple, we called for his removal.
  11. Name: Frederick Coleman Comment: We disavowed of his post before it gained any traction, not afterwards as a result of pressure - and made a firm stance that we support the LGBTQ+ community. We didn’t hold back in reprimanding Spencer and called for his removal, not a slap on the wrist - to claim we’re influenced by his rhetoric while we couldn’t have disavowed of it any stronger is simply ridiculous.
  12. Name: Frederick Coleman Comment: With sentiment like that you are no 'GOP Warrior'; just a disgusting racist - should be ashamed of yourself.
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