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  1. Scunt

    Removed L&A

    People would abuse that if they weren't enjoying the consequence of their IC decisions. Getting tazed by police, getting beat up, etc. Nothing suggested is particularly offensive and if it offends/bothers you or somebody else then I don't believe RPing on GTA was a smart move. Simply put: don't do things IC that put you in those situations. You can't avoid them all, such as being robbed but if that bothers you then GTAW isn't the RP server for you imo.
  2. Current state of a multiplayer game I play. Yes Denmark did invade GB and win ?
  3. Scunt

    Ban ERP

    I agree. My point was that kids shouldn't be allowed in the GTAW community not that they should be the focus. Definitely prioritise getting rid of predators
  4. Scunt

    Ban ERP

    Ban ERP? Sure. I'd also like to see relationship RP banned outright too as to not give groomers a platform cause they'll still exist. While we're at it, we should also ban murder outright so the next Eliot Rodger can't use GTAW as a platform to live out his fantasy and build up confidence. Gang RP maybe? Cause perhaps an impressionable underage kid is dumb enough to let GTAW entice him into making a very bad RL decision. Banning ERP like banning the other aforementioned subjects is silly because it punishes the majority for a problem caused by the minority. And as has been mentioned before, if kids (under 18's) are playing GTAW they should be removed from the community. Yes, even if they make up 50% of it. (that would be concerning if it's true)
  5. Scunt

    LS Central High?

    It's a nice idea in theory but you'd really have to put some thought behind it to get the execution right if you were gonna implement examinations, curriculum for the teachers to follow, etc. You'd also need to start asking what kind of compromises can you afford because you'll definitely struggle to create a real functioning high school with the numbers this server pulls. Such as: Would each age group get their own class separate from the others? Could you facilitate a different teacher for different subjects? Or would you expand on what one teacher can teach? How would you manage time zone differences? I'd love to see some high school - or university - role play, especially because I RP a non affiliated teenager still in high school. But unless someone could condense and compromise the idea, with the server population in mind, adding to it as - assuming - it grows in interest while active, it's never going to work out in my opinion.
  6. Just to add my own opinion into the mix: I'm heavily more inclined to see the server take the lore that the HD universe has to offer rather than trying to fabricate their own or acknowledge that L.S and L.A exist concurrently and all the other aforementioned duplicates. Like @HaveADream said: a parallel universe. In my opinion, I just think that would be the easier and more straightforward route to take, plus the HD universe has some cool lore even if some of it's a bit ridiculous but that just adds to its flavor. I disagree with OP but it's not a bad suggestion and certainly one I'd like to see over others I could think of. However, I'd prefer seeing far more cues from the lore GTA has and RPing in a universe wherein Los Angeles doesn't exist but Los Santos does.
  7. This guide's quite interesting because it touches on a lot of things regarding how people RP and emote (/me) that I've thought about in my years of RPing. People mentioning that it's some specific mindset from another server are a bit out of touch in my opinion. This is a subject in RP that extends way beyond GTA RP. Every RP community from GTAW to World of Warcraft has their thoughts towards overly verbose role play with unnecessary detail and vice versa with barebones, straight to the point emotes, etc, etc. This guide isn't some specific mindset, it's literally just someone's preference towards the approach of role play. I used to be one of the people who would add in detail to my emotes just for the purpose of making it look fancy because I come from the MMO scene of RP where people - in my experience - tend to generally be a bit more in-depth with their descriptions than what I've seen on GTA and so I followed in the footsteps of the people I RP'd around as most of us actually do. Does that make them better role-players? No. Maybe better writers but a good writer doesn't correlate to a good role-player. Luckily for me, that over-the-top style of RP drained my enjoyment for role play overall and I changed my style of RP to rekindle the fun. In my own experience and having seen how others like to emote and describe objects and actions, it's really all just simply subjective. It's a preference and one people develop through those they RP with (typically if they're somewhat new to RP). I find myself agreeing with parts of the guide and disagreeing with other aspects of it. It's a very good guide and something I think that would help those that are past the beginner stage of RP and slowly trying to find their own style of role-play/writing. So, my TL;DR is relative to this guide, there is no right or wrong way to RP. Just RP the way you enjoy the most, don't feel pressured to appease people who dislike overly verbose descriptions or vice versa. RP to your own preference.
  8. Look at my sheeyyyit! The movie's eh but James Franco tho
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