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Metallic Vehicle Colours


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I'm fully aware this has been suggested in the past, but it's been at times where we've been focusing on fixing bugs or we had sync problems, but the server is running pretty solid currently, but I feel like we could now add metallic vehicle colours as it's possible on rage as I've seen it done on other servers before, it's a small thing, but it'll give people more choice of colour, personally I'd like it so I can match vehicle colours to their OEM specifications. 


Relevant Commands/Items

Metallic Colours.


How will it benefit the server?

QOL update.

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On 10/25/2022 at 4:57 PM, EDR said:

I remember topics like this cropping up as late as 2020 and I firmly believe it's about time that this gets looked into. (Please also look into LS Tuners update / wheels)



I'd like the wheels too. Good stuff for higher end vehicles

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