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TV - YouTube Videos


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Detailed Description: With the arrival of the new TV feature, it would be very interesting and definitely cool if one could stream in YouTube videos on the TV instead of the vanilla clips that keep playing over and over, something similar to the Cinema script where players can watch the same thing in sync. This could be extended past YouTube videos, of course, to any .mp4 link or whatever.


Relevant Commands/Items: Just a TV within a property, and an UI menu where you'd enter the link that you want to play. If you want to get real fancy, a queue could be made too, I suppose, and a /skip option with a vote.


How will it benefit the server?: I think people would be able to role-play around this system much more as it would produce more RP opportunities for groups of people to RP. With bigger screens, or such, people could upload presentations or videos they make in order to convey IC-ly what their characters would want to at a meeting or something of the sort. I'm seeing a lot of opportunities for this, definitely.

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