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Everything posted by Refreshanu

  1. He gotta catch the criminals somehow after the budget cuts 🤣
  2. Refreshanu

    L&A sold

    If no one outbids you until tomorrow 11AM, it's yours.
  3. Refreshanu

    L&A sold

    For Sale Ubermacht Zion Classic $80.000 OBO Performance package + upgraded locks ((VEHICLE PICTURES)) ((/vstats))
  4. I am looking for a wedding planner. You can reach out through email ((Forum PM)) at [email protected] (( @Refreshanu )) or [email protected] (( @erfyy ))
  5. Detailed Description: As the title mentions, the character who is /partner'd with the owner of a property, to have a different category in /pmenu, this way in case if the access to the inventory is restricted for the ones who have the key, the partner to be able to access it if the setting is triggered. Relevant Commands/Items /pmenu How will it benefit the server?: No more hassle of activating the /pinv to everyone in order for the /partner'd character to have access to the inventory of the property.
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