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Everything posted by Brant

  1. I personally am not a huge fan of that type of roleplay - I just don't actively participate in it. Some of the people that roleplay this type of stuff are extremely good roleplayers and I've thoroughly enjoyed my interactions with them. Some of the things they say can be quite uncomfortable at times, but I acknowledge the area that I'm getting into is plagued with that type of RP. I do think it's borderline unrealistic that a faction can lay claim to an entire "town" such as Sandy Shores, but given that it's so small, I can see why it was possible for them to have such a large influence. Ideally, it wouldn't be so blatant. I love County RP, and it's something that I want to do more often, but getting chased out of the County by Skinheads is definitely demotivating.
  2. I’d say Finley Collins. He’s a minor character that is portrayed extremely well. When you first interact with him, he acts how you would expect a teenager to act, and when you get to know him further, you can see the intricacies of his character that stem from his background as well as just how in-depth and complex he is. This is a character that breaks away from the “norm” and what you expect from minor characters, and characters in this community overall. Roleplay with this character has been by far the best experience that I’ve had on this server, it’s allowed me to dive deep into Roleplay that I didn’t expect to have in this community, and it’s also given me the opportunity to develop my character more than I’ve ever expected to incredibly unique character and fantastic Roleplay. @WanHeda 🙂
  3. @WanHeda this might interest you!
  4. I'm sorry, but your statement here about minority groups not being targeted randomly is false. Not even 48 hours ago, my character was on a purple motorcycle with a helmet and mask on and was riding up to talk to two other players he was going to meet. As I arrived, there were two skinhead characters that walked up extremely close to my character, called him a homophobic slur, and trying to provoke an altercation with him when there was ZERO interaction on my part to initiate that situation. When they realized they weren't going to get a reaction, they hung around the area and kept staring at my character as a means of intimidating him. What purpose does RP like this serve exactly? The general consensus I've seen throughout this thread is "leave them alone and they'll leave you alone" or "as long as you don't disrespect them, you'll be fine." when in reality that's just genuinely not the case. I understand and respect the fact that there is skinhead RP in this community, and that's absolutely fine, but provoking players into an altercation for no reason is something that seemingly is happening a lot, and it's giving the good roleplayers within the Skinheads a REALLY bad name in my opinion.
  5. Auto-paying insurance would be fantastic. A day or so before it auto-renews, it should send the player a notification stating that their insurance is going to renew (Similarly to how Donator / XMR expirations notify the player a few days before). This is such a small QOL feature but would have such a large positive impact on players in my opinion. As an LEO roleplayer, we see so many people who simply forget about insurance (like, legitimately forget) and it can impact their character's record, which kind of sucks. As for the business bank paying for business vehicle insurance, I think this should be something that's up to the business owner and not enabled by default. +1
  6. I couldn't agree more with you, and it's something that has progressively gotten worse over the past few months to where RPing in Sandy Shores is near impossible without some sort of conflict arising for little to no reason. Attempting to passively roleplay with other legal characters in this area has always turned into a situation that's been escalated into something that no one wants (other than the Illegal RPers in the area), which can be extremely detrimental to the character development of everyone that's involved. Even recently, my character was roleplaying with another legal character passively at a residence and got provoked out of nowhere into a verbal altercation that almost turned physical, and now because a legal character that was involved in the situation called 911 over threats being made, everyone involved from the legal side is the target of in-character harassment, even the residence is no longer in use because it's been posted on Facebrowser and had bricks thrown through the windows. Some of my favorite interactions with the illegal community has been with the illegal roleplayers in Sandy Shores, but we're reaching a point where now it feels as though this type of roleplay is being forced onto EVERYONE that sets foot into Sandy when a lot of us just want a change of pace and scenery from the City. There's even a large Sheriff's Station that has tons of Deputies assigned to it, realistically there is no way the area would be inundated with the sheer amount of blatant violent crimes that occur. I'd love to see some changes occur that promotes both Legal and Illegal roleplay in Sandy Shores, the county absolutely deserves the attention - it's just too one sided at the moment and becomes unwelcoming to players.
  7. It was suggested that it be turned into a dismissible UI window similar to paychecks here: I think players should be able to toggle the panda point notifications if they wish, or have it show up as the UI window should they wish.
  8. I agree, these are both good quality of life features to have. I know a few players would like to disable the notification about panda points overall - maybe this could be included with your Panda Points suggestion. +1
  9. Brant


    As long as you submit the corrections that were requested and don't just resubmit the same application, you should be fine. 🙂
  10. Cool idea, but I think there's some game limitations that would make this an overall negative experience for players when they login (such as spawning before all of the mapping loads and falling through the floor OR longer spawn times). If it can be implemented without those issues, I'd be for it. +1
  11. This would be cool, but I'm sure there's probably some engine limitations that would make this quite a challenge to implement properly. +1 if it can be implemented in a way that isn't bulky and super intrusive.
  12. I agree with this, it definitely feels like it's far too cold for the time of year. I know it's been stated before that the weather is being constantly worked on and improved upon in order to find a healthy spot for the community and it's also been stated that it's impossible to make everyone happy with where the weather sits. However, If we're basing the weather off real world data or even just based off the fact that LS is basically LA, it's about, on average 20 degrees Fahrenheit warmer in LA over the past few weeks than it has been in LS.
  13. I don't think in the current state of the server that this is the appropriate solution to the problem you're attempting to address. As stated previously, they are there for players to continue to follow the server tutorial, which is monumentally important to new players, especially those that are new to RP in general. Additionally, while a taxi may be a viable solution during peak times, new players tend to join throughout the day and night - having a wait time to continue playing the server when you first join would contribute negatively to the new player experience, as would forcing player interactions the moment they spawn in for the first time. People learn and become more comfortable at their own pace, and I think forcing that type of solo interaction would be extremely intimidating - plus there's a plethora of ways that these interactions can be quite negative for the new player as well. Ultimately, I don't like this suggestion. I can acknowledge that there's significant changes that are needed to make the taxi job a bit more prominent on the server, but I don't think sacrificing the new player experience is the way to go to improve Taxis. -1
  14. @Havana Hey, when did this start happening for you? Out of curiosity, what version of Windows are you on? Are you on the production branch or are you running a Developer / Beta version of Windows? Seems like people that aren't on the latest stable version of Windows have had this issue in the past.
  15. Glad you got it sorted - may I ask what the problem was? I assume since you were signing in with Google, the password you were typing in wasn't the correct one?
  16. I don't believe 2019 would make your account be deleted. You're able to log-in to the UCP fine? Is it just the game server you're having issues with?
  17. If you hit “Forgot Password” on the ucp, can you reset your password and login that way?
  18. Are you still having connection issues after the above recommendations? My next suggestion was to wait until after restart and try again, server restarted about an hour and a half ago.
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