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Use an actual bug tracker for bugs and suggestions.


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Use an actual bug tracker such as Redmine, Bugzilla, or MantisBT to publicly track bugs and suggestions.


I've often seen bug reports be marked as resolved, even if they're not resolved. Even a bug I've been involved with has been marked resolved twice without actually being resolved, and once it has been marked as resolved the thread is locked.


A bug tracker will also allow the development and management team to prioritize bugs easier.

For those wondering about security, you can hide sensitive issues from the public.

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2 hours ago, Jeroen said:

I've often seen bug reports be marked as resolved, even if they're not resolved.


What you've suggested wont actually fix this issue, a bug tracker is a good suggestion and I think one should be used but the issue is not how they're prioritizing bugs. The issue you're reporting is that developers are incorrectly marking bugs as resolved which a bug tracker won't solve cause they'll simply get marked as resolved on that too.


Ideally if you are correct and this is an issue then the developers need to actually be adequately testing the fixes before saying they're fixed, sometimes when they say it's fixed by the next update they do not mean the next restart - they mean the next actual pushed update. This can cause confusion cause people will see fixed and assume it's done as of right now.


Two other ways to improve the bug seciton:

  • Adequately test the bug before saying it is fixed
  • Make it clear if its fixed now or fixed next restart or next update
  • Add forum tags / suffix to make the section cleaner
  • Developers rename threads actively to make them more searchable to cause less duplicates when someone checks if theirs has been posted. Many people name their bug reports terribly, this would fix that.


I +1 the suggestion cause a bug tracker is a better method than forums. Alternatively, if they were to keep the forum's they should add clear-tags to the section, for example:




Some simple formatting can go a long way too, for example they could make posts that are clear for other developers what's going on. Examples:

Duplicate Issue

This post is a duplicate of the issue in this thread, thus your thread has been locked. Please track the linked thread to follow progress of this issue.

Issue Resolved

This issue is resolved as of 12 DEC 2022 and will be pushed in the next update.

Issue Forwarded

Thank you for your report of this issue, we've confirmed it and will be looking into getting this updated.

Edited by KaythPlus
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@KaythPlus I agree, it isn't necessarily about using a bug tracker, but using the tools to make it easier everyone including yourself.


I've done some developing myself, sysadmin stuff too. And I've used a forum (with tags) as a bugtracker, Bugzilla, Redmine, GitLab, GitHub, even Jira.

It's tools that'll make everything easier, and clear communication benefits everyone.



This one is currently open, and I think that there should be enough documentation inside of it to fix it. 



I think that this is the first mention of it.



This is the second mention.



Third mention by me in the first bug report, wrongfully marked as resolved.



Fourth mention by @Kyra in a second bug report, wrongfully marked as fixed.



Fifth mention by @Kyra in a third bug report, forwarded and unresolved.



Edited by Jeroen
  • Thanks 1
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6 minutes ago, Jeroen said:


Aw I was hoping it would be web bug so I could you out, nonetheless it's good to have them linked here so it gets even more attention. 

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  • Senior Management



We currently track bug reports and suggestions internally. In most cases when a bug is marked as fixed or a suggestion is marked as added, the implementation occurs in the next update, which usually happens in the next server restart or after several days. When it comes to the web services, this usually happens after several days.


In some cases, even after testing has been done by the developers or members of the support team, the issues still appear - this may happen due to different factors that are relevant to the fix (such as specific circumstances that the fix was tested under).


In case you notice any issues, feel free to either message the developer that replied to your bug report or suggestion, or create another bug report on the forums. It is also recommended to elaborate as much as you can about the bug.


At this point we do not have a publicly available bug / suggestion tracker, and it is currently not being planned for the near future. If we decide to make a public tracker for bug reports / suggestions, we will post an official update on the UCP.


Thank you for the suggestion!


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