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Command for going AFK


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As the title already says I think it would be a good idea to add a designated command for going AFK. It would work in a way that you type /afk [reason], reason being optional and your character will freeze in place and a text will appear above him saying "AFK [reason]" (similar to /ame but not disappearing until you are back). When you enter this command it would start the timer of let's say 30 minutes that would start counting down, after it reaches 0 the player will be automatically kicked out of the game. It would also pause your paycheck timer until you come back. Once you come back to the game you would be required to enter /back or /afk and the timer will reset to 30min and  game would continue normally. I believe it would also need changing of some rules so it is mandatory to do /afk when going AFK. I'd like everyone to let me know what they think about it and add their suggestions and expansions to this idea.


Relevant Commands/Items

/afk, /back


How will it benefit the server?

I think it would benefit server in few ways, some of them being that you can actually see when player is AFK and not engage in any RP with them until they are back, it would also be a way of preventing paycheck farming since it would stop you from getting paycheck unless you are actively playing. Another thing it would benefit is reducing server load since it would automatically kick players that are on and inactive for too long.

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