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Erica moved out of Chamberlain Hills due to her parents being evicted from the All Swell Apartments after failing to pay the rent back-to-back times. This caused her family to move to North Rancho into Dominguez Gardens, a poverty ridden sector of apartments.

Now with Erica's move, comes a new school, new faces and new situations for her to face. Erica's used to living in Chamberlain Hills and going to Grove Street, both places filled with Bloods gang members. She now lives in a Crip hood and goes to a Crip dominated high school, the influence of the teenagers there are starting to take a toll as the Crip gang members start to involve themselves into her life greatly.

Erica still travels across Roy Lowenstein Boulevard, the dividing street that houses numerous gang territories on a North-South stretch in between Rancho & Davis, to hang out with her best friend Alexis Washington. Alexis is dating and pregnant by an active Bounty Hunter Blood figurehead known as Dummy, and lives with him as well. 

Erica, knowing that she must not be seen hanging with the Bloods anymore, tries to stay as low key as possible when in the Bounty Hunter Bloods' neighborhood.

Set Tripping At Lorenzo's House When Lexis, Lorenzo & Erica Hang Out

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Erica Starts To Branch Out And Hang With Various Hood Figures


Erica's social circle started to expand after the death of Aaliyah Mosley. What was thought to be Crips in Dominguez Gardens (North Rancho) was actually Bloods who, at the time, were hanging with Crips from Covenant (Davis) in their hood. Erica starts to hang around Crips and Bloods from Davis at the same time. Erica kicking it with the Crips and the Bloods at the same can be a danger to her own life.

Erica is at the typical South LS age where teenagers start to follow up on their gang ties and become an official gang member. Los Santos' gang politics are similar to that of real life Los Angeles, the influence starts at school and ends in a coffin or in a cell.

Obviously, the Crips seem to play into a huge influence on her lifestyle at the moment. Erica witnessed a Crip try to defy the law by being disrespectful, it's normal but it affected her at the time due to her losing Aaliyah Mosley to police recently


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