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Additions to the phone system.


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Short description: We need the phone system to be a bit more flexible, some short commands and quality of life features.

Detailed description: First, I believe we should be able to switch the phone with it's id in the /myphones command, instead of the number. So basically /changephone <id in /myphones> instead of /changephone <number>. Also when you are getting a call, you should be able to see on which phone you are getting called/texted on, so it would be like "Phone #1 is ringing" or the model name, or model name and ID, like "Your phone (iPhone X, #2) is ringing)".  I was also thinking of an optional parameter when you call or text people. Basically, let's say I want to call 123 with my second phone or send a quick text to 123. Right now you have to switch your phone, then text, then switch back. It would be nicer if you could just /call 123 <OPTIONAL: Phone ID>, same for the text, if you leave the optional empty it would just call using your main phone.

Commands to add: /changephone <PHONE ID FROM /MYPHONES>,   /call <number> <OPTIONAL PHONE ID>, /sms <number> <text> <OPTIONAL PHONE ID>.

Items to add: None

How would your suggestion improve the server? It would make the usage of phones more friendly and easy.

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11 minutes ago, Westen said:

With regards to this I have plans to add the ability to name your phone - e.g. "Nokia 3310 | Work Phone" and then when you are rung, it'll say "* Your phone [Work Phone] is ringing..."

That is a very nice idea

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easier commands are always something that come in handy, supporting

on another note, the phone numbers are a little bit weird. IRL when you get a phone over here, you get a 7 digit number (excluding the area code which is another 3) but on GTAW, you get eight which looks a bit odd. it should be changed so that you receive a 7 digit number.

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