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Server salary once per day


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Server side default salary payments should stack up and only be added as one single payment per day into the bank transactions history. When playing a lot the hourly payments really spam up the bank history. It would also make the whole thing take less room on the server as well.



BONUS: It would be even better if the actual In-Game hourly payments would be actually paid once per day as well.

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How would this technically work?


The game can't predict how long you'll stay online for, and having a flat value outside of hours would be unbalanced.


You could maybe do a log-in bonus, that calculates the hours from the previous 24hrs, and the salary could come in after you /endshift, but... it just seems like pointless fluff just to reduce an hourly message.

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On 12/9/2023 at 11:26 PM, Astralsomnia said:

The game can't predict how long you'll stay online for, and having a flat value outside of hours would be unbalanced.

Server would just count your paydays as they come in-game. But would make a single payment based on that count.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've never encountered issues with the current system to be honest. You receive your hourly payments, there is no much spam in my opinion, even for checking your online banking, you can just sort them out. Indeed this might save some storage on the server (not really sure) but in the same time you are adding different type of calculation the script needs to make.


I'm okay with the current system -1

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