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Everything posted by realsteele

  1. The faction portrays the life of a 1% MC, namely the Gypsy Joker club, one of the oldest MCs in the United States founded on April Fool's Day in 1956. The club is present on the West Coast and internationally in Norway, Germany, and Australia. Our goal is to realistically depict this concept in San Andreas, the equivalent of California, and any roleplayer is welcome to join the concept. The faction's leadership provides all interested parties with materials about GJOMC, so you shouldn't be intimidated by not knowing much about the Gypsy Joker. Membership in the GJOMC is restricted to men aged 21 and above. The GJOMC excludes individuals of African American descent, law enforcement officers, and intravenous drug users from joining. Additionally, members are obligated to own a motorcycle manufactured in the United States. For more details on how you can join the concept and for general information, you can contact @bad to the bone or @Eastern Promises
  2. i’m so glad @POLTERGEISTmade it out the dog pound.
  3. Busterz Get Shot is an organic and realistic faction attempting to portray a modern-day 'tag-banging' crew located in Mirror Park. We also aim to create unique characters and overall unique experiences. These experiences must, of course, contain natural storylines that do not break the laws of nature and strive to involve both positive and negative influences. Like every other faction, this faction will hold CK privileges. Please note that you automatically concede CK privileges upon accepting a script invite into the faction, posting screenshots on our thread, and joining our Discord. Our faction status is temporarily PUBLIC, and you can join our discord linked below; https://discord.gg/JYUrjjnwZg
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