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coke no diet

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Everything posted by coke no diet

  1. its near impossible to find places to hangout as an average joe or illegal roleplayer without feeling out of place and being frowned upon. and if you're in a gang faction (like most black roleplayers are), you are always worried about catching a headshot because you are standing on the wrong block. you're affilations damn near fuck everything up and being just a local means you're part of them as well. 😭 also the amount of times i seen illegal roleplayers/average joe's walk into clubs and get laughed at or called a noob by mallrats is crazy.
  2. feel like people don't realize this is a roleplay server, we are trying to portray a realistic world (to a degree) with all different types of backgrounds. just because you spent four months being a prostitute and somebody decides to rob you, doesn't mean that illegal RP is bad and should be restricted. because simply, just like in real life you cannot control everything. just cause somebody that is black decided to do something illegal doesn't mean that it's poor portrayal or bad roleplay either let people do what they want.
  3. had someone try to kill me and fail to then nc because they are scared to lose their gun
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