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Everything posted by Dat.Stuka

  1. Mamma c'aveva ragione che ovunque sarei andato avrei trovato degli italiani.
  2. Name:Tobias P. Phone:34320120 Bid: $ 310,000
  3. I'm one of the newest users of this community, and i don't have neither a plain idea about the people around here and how it's interested in those arguments. However, i had the privilege (and the burden) to organize a lot of governments in a lot of foreign SA:MP communities, resulting in a not totally negligible experience in this area, probably just because i had the opportunity to throw people in random systems until something started to work. By the way, I would ask you to forgive my poor use of english, that may result annoying, due to lots of italian figure of speech that i keep translating literally. My personal opinion about the inexperience problem mentioned by Airwolf right above, is that it reflects significant organization flaws, and it's sparked by an insufficent schooling by the clerk roles to the members going to play elected positions for limited period of time. Mantaining experienced people in roles that allow them to instruct those who are going to play as councilmen, and restricting the elected officers liberty trough a strict protocol, there shouldn't be any issues with mantaining an elected legislative branch. In regard of the limitation that should be issued to the legislative branch as a safety shield for other factions, it's an appropriate and required measure, that in my opinion should be managed complitely ICly trough the normal limitations that an IRL city council have towards an IRL county board of supervisor, an IRL state legislature, an IRL federal organization, that as a matter of fact don't leave such a big authonomy unless subsidiary matters to the city administration, and trough the possibility for the administrative branch of the judicial system to overrule the city provisions, that grant to any other faction, businness, agency, the right to appeal against law or executive orders. in regard of the executive branch that, as above has been stated, technically have the option to rule public agency such the police department, and appoint a nominee, I believe that it's an opportunity that must be shared with the board of commissioner of any public dept, granting to each party the right to veto the other party trust. If the chief of the agency is not anymore trusted by the major office or by his board of commissioners, that chief shall be demoted under the board of commissioners and a new chief shall be appointed with the trust of the commission and of the major. The expiry of the trust could be ruled in various way trough a specific procedure by the state legislation, so that can't be changed by the city legislature itself. Over everything, the Faction management have, of course, the last word about the decision, just like as a nazi major (over the top example) pretend to raise the power. I think that by now, i've express my opinion about all the point you raised above, so i'm going to round off this apology with some other points, as long as noone talked about. Running a state legislature, side to an executive office and a city clerk office, a court system, an attorney office and a public defender office requires a lot of people to be trained, and a lot of people to be elected for 1 month, 2 month or 3 month term of offices. Training those people, and finding those people, standing by my past experiences, it's an hard and ambitious project, if we're going this way, we have to ensure ourselves that we have the possibility to. Forgive me again for my poor english, and thank you for your attention.
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