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Add cruise control for boats


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Detailed Description

pretty straightforward: add the ability for boats to use the cruise control feature just like cars currently do.


Relevant Commands/Items

No commands whatsoever, just the key that's already in use for cars


How will it benefit the server?

When driving, using bigger and slower boats, it can be a bummer to stop the vehicle everytime you have to type in chat for whatever reason. Most of the time you want to talk with others when the journey is taking a while, but as of now the boats stop whenever you bring up chat. Since boats don't usually require as much attenntion to driving as cars, it makes sense to add cruise control to those who would realistically have one (Like the sailboat and the fishing boat), allowing the driver to talk with others while navigating along the way.

Edited by Padex
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This has been suggested before - while I completely agree with it I understand that with the fishing script in place people would just afk grind fishing with cruise control on.  I've also seen some boats do some really dumb shit on this engine so I don't doubt it would turn them into submarines pretty quickly.



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