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Feature Showcase: Farming




Out in the sun-soaked countryside of Southern San Andreas is the opportunity for your character to make some money with a job that has existed for millennia. Welcome to the farming job! The farming job provides a great opportunity to introduce you to the server, but beware of the ground rules; please make sure to RP at all times, wear the proper gear for farming, don’t drive tractors into the city and consider if farming would suit your character and their development. Got all of that? Good! Let’s get started.


How Does It Work?


To begin, you will visit the yellow leaf icon marked on the map.




Pressing Y at the marker will recruit you as a farmer. Once you have the farmer job, use /startfarm to begin.



On your minimap, you will now see locations marked for you to plant and cultivate. You’ll begin by manually planting your seeds. Press Y over the marked locations to plant your seeds, but remember that you must be roleplaying your actions at all times!




Once your seeds are planted, head over to the tractors, and hop in one! Using the tractor, you will fertilize and water your seeds. This is done by driving over the seeds and pausing for the progress to load. 



After your progress reaches 100%, your planted seeds will now transform into crops that you can harvest. To do this, return your tractor to its place, and press Y beside the new plants to collect them. Again, you should be roleplaying all of your actions! The grain will be added to your inventory.




Once you are nearing the end of your harvest, a new marker will be placed on your map for you to sell your grain. You can use /stopfarm to sell the grain you have without completing the harvest or if you have any problems collecting the last crops.




Press Y at the new marker to sell your grain to the food supplying warehouse.




And there you have it! You’ve just sold your first harvest of grain.


Written by @Chey and @HaveADream

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