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Everything posted by Josh

  1. carson james is my favoriate
  2. my fav part of lssd lore is how mickey galaz has been tricked by undercovers like 6 times
  3. LSSD's SSB and LSPD's forensic unit both have script support to hack into phones and break down the PIN codes, so it'll only slow them down, not stop them entirely.
  4. to go through your phone without a warrant can be argued to be lawful because there's no 4th ammendment expectation of privacy from a deadman, but they can't use any of the evidence found on your phone against you personally because you are PKed and thus they can't use the evidence gathered from a dead person's phone to later prosecute the dead person who is now magically alive. even if the searching of your phone can be argued as lawful under in character laws its very out of pocket and bad mannered to run up on a dead guy, yeet his phone and start scrolling through his deepest and darkest secrets knowing you can't use any of it to prosecute you, because you're dead. its bad form from the handling officer but i don't think it's a rule breach unless they tried to use the evidence they found against you once you've respawned.
  5. speaking from personal experience which is years of being a detective on this server: i don't think i've ever seen anyone try to use phone logs on a PK murder, nor have I ever tried to. The only times I've used a dead person's phone to look for leads to their murder is when they were CK'ed. Did this actually happen to you or did admins just tell you that it COULD happen to you? If so I'd be interesting in reading the case and seeing how they actually used your phone records when you were PKed.
  6. i dont know what to tell you then. i'm a lieutenant in LSSD's DD and these are the regulations and standards we're all held to. ESWs are famously hard to get also, due to the JSA being hestitant to approve them.
  7. we have to get an electronic search warrant in order to search someone's phone, even if they're dead, so it has to go through the courts to be approved and we have to be able to articulate probable cause. edit: and we can only use what we said we were looking for in the initial warrant, we can't say we're trying to get into your phone to look for leads as to why you were murdered and then find a drug dealer text and use that against you retroactively. if we say we're looking for leads for how you got murdered the only stuff we can use are leads to your murderer.
  8. the mecca of black rp is davis ltd which says a lot about the state of black gang rp edit: plus the vast majority of the server's playerbase is white and english isn't their first language so when they try to roleplay black they get clowned for being 'foreign'. unpopular opinion but the black gang roleplay scene has been consistently shooting themselves in the foot for the past 4 years by creating pop up dm factions with not much substance or characters that stick around. if you think to yourself 'what prominent long standing characters do i think of when i think of each 'type' of gang roleplayers?' white gangs have countless examples like michael kirkpatrick, gary crane, austin fischer, lucas webb and cody garrison. sureno gangs have even more examples such as eric galvez, johnny barrios, mickey galaz. but when you think about long-standing, character based and influencial black characters i struggle to name even one. if black gangs want to be taken seriously in the ooc gang rp sphere they need to stop repeating the same mistakes and emulate the white and sureno factions that are welcoming, facilitate roleplay for their members and help teach them how to roleplay with extensive research and guide-writing. the general conensus of black gang rp is stand on your block till the opps driveby you or you go driveby the opps, shit talk in DM youtube video comments or on facebrowser or in /b after you get killed. unpopular opinion so feel free to hate
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