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Everything posted by AnthonyCourtney

  1. lol nice try Dex Batista of the West Vinewood Pawn Shop Inc faction, but capitalism doesn't work in a fake world that intentionally limits the supply of things that are in heavy demand.
  2. Should already be against the rules considering the limit is 30,000 for a reason. +1
  3. lol i went in there and they were charging 20k for a lockpick and 30k for a fucking switchblade, I hope OP gets banned from ever owning a pawn shop again -1
  4. This isn't real life, we aren't here to provide a better service or make more money - we're here to roleplay. Splitting up the very few fares (and therefore, the roleplay we have available) we have in the entire server across 500 drivers would be insanely stupid. There's no taxi shortage on GTAW. Money is not an issue like it is in real life. The only issue is that there aren't any fares. Adding more drivers isn't going to make the taxi script better, it's going to shred the last bits of roleplay people are able to squeeze out of a nearly dead system.
  5. Stupid idea if you have any experience with taxi roleplay. There's already 10+ drivers fighting over 5 fares an hour (at peak times and if you're lucky). There need to be less people RPing it (and a lot more fares), not every bored mallrat with a sedan.
  6. real question no offense intended: isn't the entire point of having a modding team to be able to adjust mods so they fit the server?
  7. we sorely need a unified modpack as at least a basic benchmark for illegal rp everybody running around with wildly different stuff in 2023 is just annoying considering how close we used to be to not even needing modpacks
  8. I don't Why do we still have so much of that GTA Online pseudo-military shit completely unmodded?
  9. That's the consequences of the officers not exercising any care in how they executed the warrant on Jopp. If only 1 had died, then the argument would be 1:1, since 4 died, it has to be 4:1. The numbers don't really matter, it could be half of the LSPD and half the Brims for all I care. What matters is that PKs cannot be traded for CKs.
  10. But Demaine is accepting the consequences of his actions, the officers aren't, or at least, haven't been forced to like Jopp has. That's the entire point. He shot them, they died, he went to court, he dies. CK for CK? Fine. He shot them, they died and respawn, he goes to court, he dies and doesn't. PK for CK. Not fine. Edit: Agreed that this thread can go. At this point anybody arguing over such a clear cut issue is just doing it for the sake of argument.
  11. I did, I saw 4 cops breaking the fear RP rule (for which they should be CKed anyway) and one of them powergaming a panic alarm after dying. But the argument isn't and has never been that Demaine cannot be CKed or given the death penalty. It's that he cannot be CKed or given the death penalty if the cops he killed are not forced to CK either, which is completely fair.
  12. The rest of your post was predicated on the first sentence and is very clearly motivated by an OOC dislike of the character, which I don't really care about since like I said, it is not relevant to an IC CK or court case.
  13. https://forum.gta.world/en/forum/17-player-reports/ There you go bro. Neither the LSPD or the LS Court system are self-appointed admins. CKs and court sentences aren't handed out because of poor RP quality (even if that was true, which doesn't seem to be the case). I came into this thread with no knowledge of @Quincy's OOC situation with the LSPD but it's becoming more and more likely to me now that his character is being railroaded for OOC reasons, or, at least, with OOC motivations. This whole thing is starting to get a bit shady.
  14. That's probably because the illegal rpers wouldn't have tried to kidnap 1 guy with 10 of his fellow gang members around and in their own project building
  15. Because they didn't RP fear and ran straight into their very, very obviously incoming deaths because they wanted to arrest him with no regard for their own lives. Hope that helps.
  16. Just noticed that Wilsan Booker literally shouted he was going to get his gun at the cops before they went in too. https://imgur.com/a/ZF6xMbY He then walked inside the project. https://imgur.com/a/AXTsKP3 I don't know if he's with the faction or just some crackhead but that's yet another thing that should have been taken into account when deciding to bumrush the projects.
  17. this is dishonest lol It's 4 cops chasing a known to be armed gang affiliate into the heart of a gang that has earned its IC reputation as being very dangerous' territory while surrounded by what turned out to be damn near a dozen gang members
  18. Aren't you arguing against yourself here? The cops took the chance of running into a firing squad in one of the most hostile zones in the map currently (which houses what is ICly one of the longest running street gangs) when they ran into the most obvious ambush spot I've ever seen. They weren't afraid of any of the myriad possibilities once they went up those first steps. The first cop straight up ran inside and died in like .5 seconds.
  19. Why shouldn't the cops be CKed considering somebody else is getting CKed for their deaths? It's more than a reasonable situation. I'd argue Demaine would have a case for CK requests for lack of fear in general even if this had not resulted in the death penalty. - Cops pull up on wanted criminal - In the backstreet of a gang-infested project building - Jorge Nava enters said project building after wanted criminal retreats inside, the entrance is guarded by two presumably well known affiliates of said gang and there are several other shady people running around - Project building may as well be a fortress, two exits, one on either side, elevated positions all around - Cops all get killed, one of them stops running to press his panic button and fails, but does it anyway after being dead - 4 dead cops after they predictably get annihilated by an inferior force because they tried to force the issue of the arrest somewhere that didn't favor them at all
  20. CK for CK. Anything else is complete BS. No automatic reinstatement on a new character either, or else the CK means nothing to 1 character and a lot for another. Why is LFM approving CKs on illegal characters? Shouldn't this be in IFM's wheelhouse or at least a joint effort? 19 minutes ago, taytay said: Why did the LEO hit the panic button after he died? Good question https://ibb.co/tcYtWz5
  21. too real lol if people actually wanted to rp outside, the car robbery rule would have been more than enough to create what is essentially a safe space anywhere that isn't Davis, I can drive around the entire map and not see 1 person outside without a car so the robberies were never the issue.
  22. It's about time. There's really no justification for it that stands up to scrutiny.
  23. I'm sure letting people run at gunpoint in X or Y situations totally wouldn't devolve at this being the only way robberies ever go and inevitably spawn a report every time this happens. In fact, I'm sure that, in the event that the robber chases after them, they aren't just going to take the opportunity to pull their gun after they turn a corner and engaging in a shootout some suggestions really do deserve to be made fun of and this is one of them.
  24. these "you a foreigner so you can't have an opinion on anything" arguments are part of the reason people don't want to rp in black facs lol
  25. 48 hour investigative holds are not fine. First of all I'm not logging in to stare at a wall so they're useless, and second of all I don't trust any player here with the ability to interrupt somebody else's roleplay for 2 entire days. The only thing this achieves is depriving people of RP, it doesn't even really do anything much for the detectives. Female jail is a lost cause, there will never be enough female criminal roleplayers to consistently populate an entire section of the prison - it's unfortunate but there's no way to fix this, the population will always fluctuate wildly. Mixing males/females would be stupid since it would not only be ridiculous, but it'd also just result in everybody serious about prison RP ignoring them anyway. But prison isolation is just a necessary evil. There has to be a way to punish and segregate inmates who either can't behave or are, in character, too dangerous to let roam in general population. It's the easiest way to keep prison free of trolls - people who start shit eventually realize that it's not worth the time in isolation (where your sentence time should not go down). As an added bonus, trolls tend to fuck up and get themselves put in the hole very quickly, which also teaches them a lesson and makes prison a more pleasant place to be in.
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