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Everything posted by useless

  1. I'm confused rn 😕 so can we run or not? Pretty sure riding a bike takes less effort than running...
  2. Not sure if this has been discussed before, but I've had this question in my mind for the longest time - to run or not to run? The point of this post is to examine whether running away while shot in vital parts should be determined as powergaming or not. I'm not supporting the idea of totally not RPing injuries, but RPing injuries after getting to safety. In shootouts, where things are intense, basic human instinct instruct us to run whenever we get shot and are unable to fight back effectively. The same instinct applies when we RP. In some situations, our characters may be shot in vital parts (the neck, the head, etc.) - but we control them to run anyway. Technically, this could be categorized as powergaming - or not. I say "or not" because, while the damages show the parts where you're shot, it doesn't specify the exact location where the bullet had went. What do I mean? For example, if my damages show that I was shot in the neck, who is to determine whether it was a graze, a hit on the side of the neck, or a direct hit on the windpipe which instantly causes breathing issues from choking on blood? Yes, the amount of damage is shown, but that doesn't explain a lot. Back to human instincts - if we do not know how exactly the bullet affects our character, we obviously would take the chance to escape if the bullet doesn't kill us. No idiot is going to stop to RP injuries that they don't even know they have or not. My argument is that players shouldn't be punished for 'powergaming' when they run after getting shot in vital parts of the body. The only alternative is to stop and let the shooter shoot your character more, which obviously no one non-suicidal will do. Discuss!
  3. ❤️❤️❤️
  4. (probably Carmen Ortega in the near future) busted (again) pt. 1
  5. DISCLAIMER While no overly explicit screenshots (nudity, detailed sexual RP) will be posted, certain scenes may include innuendos or suggestive lines. Therefore, it's best for individuals under 18 to stay away from this thread. The identities of anyone who does any kind of explicit RP with Carmen will be strictly kept confidential OOC. If certain explicit scenes are crucial to Carmen's development, I will ask for your permission to reveal your identity in the screens. If not, I may simply use "XX" as your identity. There is no pressure for you to ERP either. A fade-to-black is sufficient to further your character's development and can be requested, if ERP makes you feel uncomfortable. Thank you and I look forward to roleplaying with you!
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