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Everything posted by GabiJohnson

  1. difference is that an ig internet isn't simulated (as of yet), meaning there are a number of things (like online applications) that just aren't feasible. given the means to portray any of the above while ig, we would likely do just that. as far as combat goes: we have an actual gameplay mechanic in place, as well as other tools (/me, /do etc), along with the imagination of the playerbase, if click-fighting isn't to their liking.
  2. "Heaven's Gate" based on modern-day "Ancient Aliens" conspiracy theories, which exist interchangeably.
  3. GabiJohnson


    my city shut down nonessential businesses so I am outta work a while ?
  4. I work at an afterschool daycare program. Watching 1st-4th graders, so 6-10 year olds until their parents come pick them up if they live too far away/are too young or irresponsible to walk home on their own.
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