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About Azria

  • Birthday June 23

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  • Character Name
    Irylie Datura - Tobi Busch

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  1. Only an issue because it offends YOU - While you completely ignore all the other offensive aspects of the game, that's the whole point - there is something offensive to everyone in this game but it's just a freakin game. Live with it just as everyone else does or imagine pretty butterflies and unicorns - this is such a waste of space.
  2. This is actually something I was trying to do with my character, started talking ic about it in October. Aid as a notary public - I agree something would need to be established to make signatures more binding. We have a legal system - only makes sense to add this as well for court cases, contracts, legal documentation to aid against forgery.
  3. I'm just tired of the forced animation while my char is doing other things like sitting or dancing. It interrupts the rp. I've tried turning it off but sometimes it still puts me into the animation.
  4. Good day, I want to touch on those who work in the trucking industry but do not drive the trucks. I have been doing this for 8 months and have spent hours of my day rping these positions. I have worked in the office as an intern, HR, management, etc. I have held many positions as the company has grown. The only payment I had received while working in a corporate office is the little paychecks you get for 500 an hour. It wasn't until months later when I saw others getting paid for things that I started to question this. It's not a fair system. I worked so hard, spent all of my rp time working to improve the company, bringing in new recruits, signing contracts, showing them around, how to set up their uniform, how to use the radio and how to start their shift in the trucks. I rped every little thing. The short end of this process takes about 20 to 30 minutes but can sometimes take more time depending on how in depth the other wishes to rp. I would get exhausted because of the constant rp and ask someone else to take over. It's difficult knowing the extent of my rp and then walking into a bar and understanding that these individuals are able to use the /startshift payment system with minimal rp. Most of the time when I walk into bars some bar tenders are afk and it takes them a bit before they "see" you standing there. They take my order, prepare it with minimal rp and slide it over expecting payment and a tip. Which most get to keep, so on top of the 4000 an hour they get from /startshift they make their tips. Which is great pay for them. I'd like to see those who work in an office environment be able to make more than the 500 an hour auto checks we receive in game. A way to do this is simple, allow us to use the /startshift payment option. Have the range set inside the office. While they are inside the office, conducting interviews they are paid for their time. For me, this covers half of what I do as the first portion of the interview takes place in the office and the second takes place on the lot. If there is a way to set the script to a tag you must have in order to use the system that would allow one to not only be in office but be on the lot while earning the pay that would be even better. You could have it where if one leaves the area then the payment timer stops. Just suggestions that I do hope are useful for providing a way for those who are working hard and rping to be able to earn something decent.
  5. Perhaps you should venture in more than just your short lived experience. Your assumptions are just that, assumptions. You are more than welcome to come rp sometime. ?
  6. That in itself is backwards realistically. People act as if Busch gain so much from that. Do the research and figures. Busch as a company take 10 to 20 percent. The individual takes 80 to 90 percent. Hmmm, interesting yes? Who benefits? Plus factor in the costs of maintaining such a large company with a large fleet. The whole server is a grind fest whether you are out there selling drugs, guns, sex, or being smart in business. It's all the same.
  7. I have been rping with Busch for about 8 months. I have seen these guys rping realistically so I'm a bit confused what they say is unrealistic. They don't go crazy spending, they are actually irritatingly cheap with a lot of things. They don't buy their trucks new unless there is no other option, they look for the best deal. They are helpful in teaching others the best way to save their money. They don't blow their money in any sense. They have brought BTG from a simple trucking company to what it is now and spent hours every day rping and doing this legit. The only time I have seen them buy a vehicle for BTG is when it was definitely needed. When you see Busch, you know what to expect. You meet respectful, intelligent, well dressed, quirky guys. They are a bit awkward socially but those who take the time to rp and get to know them definitely respect them. They have paved the way for many to earn money to start their businesses, buy their car, buy those nice places to live while they themselves drive simple vehicles, suvs. I know many wealthy individuals and I can tell you, those that are real about it, don't put it all out there, so if by realistic you are looking for the ones who blow their money on drugs and prostitutes, sports cars and huge parties, you may want to re-evaluate that because those type, they don't have their money for long.
  8. The reason the tow was brought to the scene was not due to insurance, it was the fact that the employee stated the truck was immobile. We had no reason, did not know if it was broken down or whatnot. The insurance was not the factor in that regard. The vehicle being insured was then proven with the insurance card.
  9. Exactly, not looking for "admin intervention" just the script that allows it. Everything else is done icly, the rp of underwriting, agents, claims specialists... all of that has gone into this. Hiring the employees. What is needed to determine eligibility, proof and documentation to submit for review of claims.
  10. I have witnessed people rp incidents, they speak of talking to their insurance companies and what not. I love this! Claims can be made and the rp can continue, it's a huge risk for insurance companies.
  11. The purpose here is to provide an option in insurance. I have worked in insurance as an agent and currently as an adjuster. I am licensed in all states that require me to be. As it stands currently, you go through the DMV or GOV in game to insure your vehicle. I register my vehicle through the DMV and get my license through the DMV irl but for insurance, you go to companies like Farmers, State Farm, Progressive to name a few. Each company gives different rates. There is no one size fits all in insurance. Your rate is determined by what your insurance needs are... your history... your credit score. So many things affect the rate of premium you are given. Bringing this to the server promotes rp, enhances the rp realistically, and gives a variety of options leaving room for competition. The issue is in the script. We need the script to support when we insure a vehicle through a private insurance company. Something that reads the vehicle is insured. Some way to be able to report the vehicle as insured when a customer signs on to the service provided and the script for when it expires. Also the script for when a vehicle is totaled and a claim is made. As was stated in the original post, we have been working on this for some time now. A lot of work has gone into this and the business has been registered/approved.
  12. This was my first experience with RP not only on this server but within the game itself. I had never played gta and was so nervous when I started back in March. You guys accepted me, taught me, had patience with me...spoiled me with rp. ❤️ You guys are amazing and I could not have asked for a better group to hang out with. Thank you to @Sexymofo for encouraging me to come along for the ride and thank you to @Zorbe for doing his best to keep it going just so I would not be sad. I look forward to rping with you guys again soon.
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