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The Greek Catholic Church of San Andreas — "Omnia in caritate"

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Eastern Catholic Church

Greek Catholic Church 

Diocese of San Andreas



I. History of the Greek Catholic Church


"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven;whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." (Matthew 16:13-20)

           In the beginning, there was only one Church, the Catholic Church (catholic = universal, from greek katolicus). Throughout the Church's history, several rites were established based on the people's relationship with God.  The primary rites of the Church were the Byzantine Rite, established in Constantinople, and the Latin Rite, established in Rome, respectively, each rite was practiced in the Roman Empire, East and West, even after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

          After the establishment of the patriarchates, it was decided that the first most important patriarchate should be in Rome, where St. Peter became its first bishop,and the second most important in Constantinople. Through the several Ecumenical Councils, various dogmas were laid which eventually led to the Schism of the Western and Eastern Churches, eventually leading to the foundation of the Orthodox Church after the various controversies, such as Filioque. The Orthodox Church denied the Bishop of Rome's authority as First Among Equals, thus becoming a community of autonomous churches. The Great Schism happened in 1054, during Leon IX's papacy, and Patriatch Michael's I patriarchy. After the Great Schism, The Church of East (Byzantine) broke away from the Church of the West (Latin).

         In 1439, a synod was held in Fererra-Florence, which aimed to unite the Eastern Church with the Church of Rome, but only part of the Byzantine Rite Church was united with the Catholic Church. In order for the Eastern Church to unite with the Catholic Church, they had to accept the so-called Florentine points:


        I. Papal Primacy. The Pope is the Bishop of Rome, equal to the others, but Primus Inter Pares (The First Among Equals). As found in the Bible, Peter founded the Church after being given the Keys of Heaven by Jesus. Although Peter was equal to the other apostles, he was special given his mission;

       II. The recognition of the Filioque (also from the Son). As written in the Gospel, the Holy Spirit proceeds the Father. The  Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed agreed to the Gospel,  prohibiting future alterations  of the creed. However, because of heresies of the heresies of the Aryans, which established a hierarchy of the Holy Trinity, the Western Church was forced to introduce Filioque, affirming that the Holy Trinity is one and the same. Thus, the Holy Spirit proceeds after the Father and the Son. The Son was sent the Holy Spirit from the Father. However, in the Oriental Catholic Church, Filioque is not obligatory;

       III. The use of unleavened bread. Although the Oriental Churches use leavened bread during Mass, they henceforth have to recognize the validity of unleavened bread;

       IV. The recognition of the Purgatory as an intermediary space in which souls that have committed forgivable sins can atone, although it is not mentioned in the Bible.


       The Oriental Church which united with Rome also adopted the following:

       I. The infallibility of the Pope. The Pope cannot be wrong when it comes to matters of Faith;

       II. Immaculate Conception. The Blessed Virgin Mary was born without ancestral sin, she and Jesus are the only sinless people;

      III. The possibility of ordaining celibate priests. Priests can get married in the Eastern Church, in fact, in the Orthodox Church marriage is necessary for a priest to be ordained. In the Roman Catholic Church, all priests must be celibate. In the Oriental Churches, priests can be celibate or married, with the condition of being married before being ordained;

      IV. Baptism by sprinkling water. In the Oriental Churches, Baptism is practiced by immersion, practice rejected by the Catholic Church due to it being dangerous. The Greek Catholic Church does as it pleases when it comes to Baptism.


II. Hierarchy of the Greek Catholic Church


   The Greek Catholic Church's hierarchy is divided between the Major Clergy and the Minor Clergy:


      The Major Clergy: 

       I. Bishop. The Pope is the Bishop of Rome. A Patriarch, Metropolitan or an Archbishop are still bishops. The bishop is the descendant of the apostles, which granted their authority and powers to their descendants through the rite of the Laying of the Hands;

      II. Priest. There are different types of priests, such as bishops, archpriests and vicars. The priests do not have the full priesthood, only the bishops. The priest is ordained by the bishop. The priest is in charge of a parish, or is assigned to help another priest as a vice-parish priest, or even assigned to an administrative function. The priest leads the Holy Mass and other sacraments daily;

      III.  The Deacon, which is either permanent or temporary. The temporary deacon prepares to become a priest. The deacon has the lowest status among the Major Clergy. He must assist the priest or bishop during liturgical matters. Those who wish to become married priests must married during their diaconate. The deacons were the disciples of the apostles and the first bishops. They appeared before the priests.


      The Minor Clergy:

      I. Hypodeacon. They help the priest, but they must not be confused with the deacons;

      II. Lecturer. He is the choir's leader. He receives this title in the 3rd year of seminar. During his second year as a seminarian, he is accepted for diaconate or priesthood, and during the first year he obtains the clerical attire.



III. About Monkhood

     In the Eastern Church there is the Order of Saint Basil the Great. The monks are called Basilians, and it is the only monastic order in the Byzantine rite. However, there are Latin monastic orders that practice the Byzantine rite. Franciscans, Jesuits, etc. are not monks, the only Latin monks are the Benedictines, but those Latin orders are accepted.


IV. The Greek Catholic Church of San Andreas

         The Bishop of the Greek Catholic Church of San Andreas is James Malkovich, ordained in 2000. He was appointed bishop of San Andreas by the age of 50 by Pope Benedict himself during an ordainment ceremony in Rome along ten other bishops. He founded the Greek Catholic seminary in Los Santos, where seminarians prepare for priesthood. Both the Greek Catholic and Roman Catholic churches share the Catholic Cathedral of Los Santos. Bishop Malkobich is also working in accomodating a monastery in Los Santos County. Together with the other Greek Catholic priests, and under the supervision of Vicar General Michael Hughes, the diocese of San Andreas is developing at a steady pace. Rector Aaron Foster is currently coordinating the Greek Catholic Seminary of Los Santos.

V. ((Out of Character))

        This faction has been opened by a 4th year seminarian at the Greek Catholic Seminary, thus our perspective and portrayal are throughly guided. Althoguh it is a religious faction, we're open to members of the community of all faiths. Our objective is to portray the first church faction on the community. Knowledge of Catholic rites and theology are not required in order to join the faction. We will be hosting various religios and community-related events alongside other factions, such as the Government.

The Greek Catholic Church of San Andreas condemns religious fanaticism and violence.

Anyone who wants to participate in the project can leave me a message.


You can find more or inquire about roleplaying with us on our discord: (https://discord.gg/N8vtFCqqvx)

Edited by Alexav
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On August 1, until August 15, the Assumption fast begins, the last holiday of the church year.


The Service of the Small Paraklesis (Intercessory Prayer) to the Most Holy Theotokos - 20 PM (EEST), daily. Rockford Hills


To the Theotokos, let us run now most fervently,

As sinners and lowly ones,

Let us fall down in repentance,

Crying from the depths of our soul:

Lady, come and help us,


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