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Nothing But Hustlers

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NBH - After SK and D9 got into it with another rapper on FB SK wanted to prove a point to all his artist in Kickdoor and other members of NBH. He met up with members of ESBBC, he discussed a way to getup with the rival artist and rob/snatch his chain to boast on social media platforms. A bounty was put out for an unclosed amount of money.



Edited by Trap-Money Scooby
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Nothing But Hustlers (NBH) is a fictional concept. Us as a group, we concentrate mainly on quality over quantity in all perspectives. In this concept, we always focus on our development, which conclusively connects the faction. Before joining, I advise you to do some research on LA gangs/DTO's or any other African-American illegal criminal organizations. When role-playing around the faction, your character should have some type of valid reason for hanging out around the group. Most of the time, the character grew up on the block with somebody associated with NBH, attended schools in the neighborhoods NBH supplies, may have relatives or family members involved in other gangs and therefore already knows how things go down in the area. You probably won't see the group as a criminal organization but as a tight-knit hood group that you met. Characters with consistent motivations will be much more acknowledged; portraying a believable character that stands out is essential to this. Role-play your approach as you would it in real life: nobody would engage in the gang's activities by directly going to the NBH associates.
Contact myself @Trap-Money Scoobyor @slim.if you are interested in joining.


Edited by Trap-Money Scooby
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