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Mala Vida - Gustavo "Parce" Jaramillo


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"La única puta que no es fácil es la puta vida"




In early 1984, Amado Jaramillo moved from the city of Mazatlán, Sinaloa to Boyacá, Colombia. Once there he created a small-scale structure for smuggling emeralds. In 1986, after having a relationship with a Colombian woman named Valeria Salazar, he had a son named Gustavo Jaramillo. Gustavo grew up mostly in the department of Boyacá although he also lived for some years in Antioquia and Bolívar, all depending on Amado's work demands. Gustavo's adolescence was decent, he was a good student although he was never convinced by the educational process, he was always interested in his father's business, as a consequence he dedicated his free time to help his father's business. Two years after finishing school, Gustavo moved to Mexico where he expanded his father's business, importing emeralds to Mexico City where he sold them mostly to Jewish jewelry store owners. Step by step, he became stronger in the business, establishing contacts in Sinaloa and Chihuahua. Money was not a problem but didn't stop him for looking for more ways to fill his pocket. Years later, in an act out of ambition, with some experience and thanks to his contacts in Sinaloa, he moved to the city of Juarez where he began smuggling cocaine throughout El Paso, Texas. Months after starting activities in Juarez, Gustavo attempted to move a large amount of cocaine across the border and as a result was arrested in El Paso and transferred to the Texas State Penitentiary, James Lynaugh Unit, where he was sentenced to 10 years in prison.


There he joined and became part of a TANGO "Together Against Negative Gang Organizations (Juntos en contra de pandillas & organizaciones negativas)" chapter known as Paisa Tango Mexicles also known as Paisa 16.






Edited by Jema
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