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Jason Loco

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Everything posted by Jason Loco

  1. Not a ratirl player please
  2. If you get bothered by the stutters you can always just lock your framerate to 30, not like it really matters. A simple fix though I could see people not wanting to do that.
  3. Not playing anymore, LEM when I quit playing seriously, then started cheating (hate me for it :shrug:) 13 VAC bans total on record and 2 never got banned, feelscoolman
  4. Is rated B because of CS
  5. EUW, Ahridorable - Fuck riot for making her prestige kda skin so expensive btw (yes I got it) Don't play ranked often at all, I'm actually good but suck dick at the game at the same time. Like Pentakill on nidalee good but 0/11 Ahri bad.
  6. Ah yeah fair enough, didn't know there was a bug like that. I certainly don't mind the slow but steady climb though.
  7. Seems like night time is usually alot busier atm, for eu that is.
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