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Richard Wagner

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    Dope Town

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  1. Yeah, that was why I thought /accept tie would counter act that totally.
  2. Short description: Working zip ties in game that show the classic handcuff animation. Detailed description: Zip ties that I have seen in game do not actually serve any actual in game function and are under 'consumables' after purchased from the general store. This suggestion is asking to have a proper functional restraint system for civilians just like the law enforcement have. When you apply the zip ties to a player it will show the handcuffed animation on the victim. Restrains them from using any weapons, electronics. Maybe when you use the command on the player they have to /accepttie so it's not abused? Commands to add: /tie /restrain /atie /accepttie Items to add: Ties have already been added in game. How would your suggestion improve the server? I think it's something maybe the server hasn't gotten around to just yet and this is just bringing it to light. I think it could help a lot of situations my forcefully applying restraints on a player when it's needed. Eliminates the possibility for PG/MG by actually not being able to do certain actions. It's something I feel should be re-visited and just adds to the immersion of the server. Additional information:
  3. Thread follows Richard Wagner and locals from the Vespucci Beach area.
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