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About SpeedOfThought

  • Birthday 09/18/2001

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    Cleveland, Ohio
  • Interests
    Music, Videogames

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    John Reynolds, Mike Rider

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  1. This was actually what I was going to suggest. Why not split the Admin Team into different sub sections, so stuff like this doesn't happen. Have one group that handles IG reports, have one group handle forum reports, etc. I think this can help solve not only the in-game /report issue, but also waiting for months for your report to be answered with no response.
  2. Can I get an update on this? Still doesn't seem to be resolved. With all due respect, this post was made months ago and it was said that it would be worked on and resolved due to the holiday scene, but that is long gone, however this still seems to be a big problem. Seeing less than 10 admins on duty and more than 15 off duty with over 600+ players online is just....not good. You can't accommodate 600+ players with less than 5 admins on. Again, I understand that admins want to play the game and enjoy it as well, but at the end of the day, they are the ones that signed up for this position, and as an admin, I feel your duties as an admin should be prioritized over other things, especially when it is a simple report that can be resolved relatively quickly.
  3. It's not unrealistic when 8/10 times people just hop out on us for no reason and decide to shoot it out. It's very realistic, depending on the area you're in. If it's a bad area, obviously I'm not gonna do a traffic stop by myself. In regards to the RPQM report. I would just end up reporting people every single day and waiting weeks for them to get resolved. Frankly, nobody wants that.
  4. That's why this suggestion is only for when they suicide by cop with a lack of fear. RN if they suicide by cop they just get CKed and keep all their assets, even if it was lack of fear as I showed in the videos above. People pulling guns on 10+ SWAT officers with ARs and just CKing out it. The suggestion isn't for a normal player to player CK.
  5. I wish this was possible, but it's not. If I do /report I sit there for an hour waiting for a reply if I get one, and he will jsut get a 1 hour AJAIL, and I'm not going to report every single player who does stuff like this cause the reports section would just be filled and it will be weeks before it is resolved. Hence why I am suggesting this to prevent these kinds of things from happening.
  6. Really? Cause I don't think this is the case for everyone, as referenced in the video I attached. Dude's whole character is just stealing cars and then jumping into the water with a jetski waiting for him. Yet, we had someone CK yesterday who did the exact same thing. I'm not surprised if this is the exact same character who made a new character and does the exact same thing on that same character. This is exactly what I'm referring to in this report. People keep their assets and make new characters just to do the exact same thing on their new characters cause they have the same assets, and lose nothing. https://streamable.com/1z6o5x
  7. That's what the whole point of this suggestion is.
  8. No, as I said before, that's not my point. My point is that the character doesn't get deleted. The character gets CKed, and they keep all their assets on their new character, losing absolutely nothing as a result. If something like this was implemented, it would actually make people think before doing stuff, because they wouldn't just CK out of charges because they wouldn't want to lose their assets.
  9. If I sat down and made an RPQM on everyone who did this, it would just be filled by reports from me, and frankly I'm not gonna sit here and spend the time just writing report after report. I'm simply saying people need to actually think of the possible outcomes for their actions before they commit a crime, and not just having Dequavious Johnson (M) murder someone in broad daylight and then have him CK his way out of the charges and lose absolutely nothing in the process. It just turns the server into cops and robbers.
  10. I personally feel that a CK isn't really a 'punishment'. The reason they CK is because they still get to keep all their assets. They have literally nothing to lose by doing certain crimes. So, to get around the jail time they simply CK and keep all of their assets, and lose absolutely nothing except their character. Wiping their assets would alter this and serve as a way for people to actually THINK before doing something, and actually have something to lose from dying.
  11. Yes, I'm the one who decided to RP as a cop, and I enjoy it when the RP is actually decent. But how is it fair when we are held to this high standard of roleplay, and then we have people doing stuff like this because they can't spend a couple of hours in prison? The jail should be used as development for your character. Don't turn the server into a cops and robbers by turning a simple traffic ticket into a shootout...it's unrealistic and frankly just not fun at all.
  12. That is not what I'm saying at all. Everyone is here to roleplay, and enjoy themselves on the game. But how can I enjoy myself when 9/10 of our scenes are people complaining in /b or people just pulling a gun on 10 cops with absolutely no punishment? If there was some sort of punishment that people did not want to face, it would make people actually THINK more before they actually do a crime. Not just Dequavious Johnson (M) killing someone in a drive by then driving off with an uninsured vehicle with no plate going 110+MPH and wondering /b why he got caught then CKing out of it and doing the exact same thing on his next character....it just makes no sense. People should actually be smart about the crimes they commit, and if you get caught, then you get caught. Use the time in jail to develop your character. I know that I'm not, and I've never said I was. However, having someone RP dying from a taser cause they don't want to spend a couple of hours in prison is ridiculous. Now I'm forced to wait on scene and keep all the other officers on scene until and admin arrives just cause somebody wants to somehow die from a taser. This exact scene I speak of, the dude ran over a cop, then headbutted a paramedic, and when he got tased for it, he RPed dying just to get out of the charges...what is the point? It just wastes all of our time cause he makes his new character and does the exact same thing on his new character.
  13. I think it should be only for CKing out of charges, or similar CKs. I think if the CK is RPed correctly or it isn't something related to charges or facing some sort of IC punishment, then you should be able to keep your assets, but if you're doing it just to avoid an IC punishment, I think you should get the assets wiped.
  14. So as I have become a lot more active within PD the last few months, there is a recurring theme I see....people PK or CK their way out of charges, and getting absolutely no punishment for it. While I understand in some cases PKing out of charges is fine if it is roleplayed correctly, most of the time, that isn't the case. You have people pulling guns on 10 SWAT officers with assault rifles, just to PK their way out of some charges, and go and do the same thing in the next pursuit. While sometimes they are forced to CK when doing stuff like this, I still don't see that as enough. People make throwaway characters just for this exact reason. Now, before people start commenting and saying "This is just you being P2W" or other things, let me say this: PD puts a lot of their own time and effort into several of these cases. Putting up warrants, actively looking for warrant suspects, or even detectives making whole cases on suspects, and what happens? We catch them and then instead of facing the time for their crimes, they decide to PK/CK their way out of charges, and nothing happens to them, simply to avoid the jail time. This wastes everyone's time in PD. Just today we had a suspect RP dying from a simple taser hit - which isn't really realistic, but I digress. Just to avoid himself going to jail and serving the time, he thought it would be better to CK his way out of the charges to get out of the time, with absolutely no punishment. For reference, here is an example of video of what I'm talking about. 1 guy pulling a gun on 10 SWAT officers with absolutely no punishment: https://streamable.com/z2nlcn So, my suggestion is this: When a suspect decides to CK their way out of charges, they should lose all of their assets. Why? Well, it's simple. Right now, players have absolutely nothing to lose when they CK. They get to keep all of their assets, and often times it's the exact same character they re-make as a different name. So, in order to prevent themselves from serving jail time for something they did and can't deal with, they decide to CK their way out of the situation, making a new character. If you think this isn't fair, a simple solution is this: Don't do crimes if you can't face the punishment, or be smarter about what you do. It's simple.
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