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New AD rules are different for some people?


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I've seen people getting instant kicks for breaking new AD rules but when it comes to a server old donor or old player w/e.. He only gets a warning? Isn't this unfair to the other players who were kicked for doing this mistake on their first time? 

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I believe the whole new "admin discretion" thing, rule 0 or however is called, just lets admins punish people however they like and for whatever they like. 

The fact the admin report process is complicated and takes a while doesn't help either and most admins know that and will use it to their benefit.

Instead of having PD deal with the illegal ads theres now 200 rules that no player can remember as a whole, instead of making our gameplay easier it's now more complicated 

Edited by zaXer.
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I don't see a productive discussion coming from this, so I'm going to outright lock this thread now.


As I told someone who was asking this very same question in game, the advertisement rules are abundantly clear on what is and what isn't allowed. It goes without saying that some of them slip through the net and nothing is done about it at the time - it doesn't mean that it's being endorsed. Odds are, given the amount of additional chat staff members have on their screen, that the advertisement was simply overlooked.

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