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Claire-Voyance Episode Eight

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(left to right: Claire Skye, Victoria Moore)



* "Do You Believe In Magic?" plays for a good moment. The Happy Birthday song is layered over it, before both go to background noise. (( Claire Skye ))*
Claire Skye says: Hey guys, Claire here! I'm the birthday bitch!
Victoria Moore says: And with Claire as always is me, unemployed Tori. I hope you are all enjoying your Fourth of July looooong weekend. How about you, Claire?
Claire Skye says: I don't have much inspiration at all, but I'm having a pretty good time. My birthday is getting outshined by the fourth though. Can Americans stop exploding things?
* Claire Skye chuckles.
* Victoria Moore chuckles.
Victoria Moore says: So that is actually something I'd like to take a moment to talk about. While it's Claire's birthday, it is also the birthday of The United States.
Claire Skye says: It's true. I'm the whole country's twin.
Victoria Moore says: I guess I want to say a few things, cause this is the time to do it. Y'all know the low opinion I hold of our local government and officials but I want to... talk about the flip side of that.
Claire Skye says: Ooh, ok. Awesome. The floor's yours.
Victoria Moore says: It's true, the Los Santos and especially the San Andreas governments can't find their assholes with both hands, a map and gps... The country as a whole? It's in vogue to bash America. But Β you know? There are are good things too.
Victoria Moore says: Like being gay and it not being illegal. Like have enumerated rights in the constitution.
Victoria Moore says: It's a far cry from anything that would come close to perfection. And there are a lot of injustices and bullshittery. But you know what? We get it right sometimes too.
Victoria Moore says: One of those things we have right is that we an tell the government to go fuck itself and they can't torture us in prison until we recant.
Claire Skye says: The thought of being somewhere like that is just... scary.
Claire Skye says: I open my mouth, boom, jail time.
Victoria Moore says: There are places like that in the world right now. So what I'm saying... exercise your right to tell the San Andreas state government to go fuck itself sideways.
* Claire Skye chuckles.
Victoria Moore says: Rant over.
* Victoria Moore chuckles.
Claire Skye says: My turn for ranting though. I'm... not even THAT mad at the state government. Shit's going down on a national level. We do have these rights but they're being stripped away just so the big men have their world like they want it to be.
Claire Skye says: We are actively going backwards. No matter who we voted in. No matter what the feelings of the public are.
Claire Skye says: I just... damn. Of all the things I wanted them to repeal, the second amendment would be a good start.
Claire Skye says: Sorry for being a bummer when we're trying to be positive but. Just... god damn it.
Victoria Moore says: I want to dig into that a little Claire, that is if you want to get into it. Shit's going down at the national level... Should we discuss with our viewers what that is?
Claire Skye says: I would hope they'd already know, but... yeah. Let's.
Victoria Moore says: Please, go ahead, and I can dig into the... legalese a little. One of the subjects I was able to study somewhat extensively during my tenure at ULSA was indeed the law.
Claire Skye says: If you guys haven't had access to the information, the ability for women to have safe, legal abortions just got overturned. States can keep it in place, but others can just completely get rid of it.
Claire Skye says: We're... more or less staring the olden age of women being baby factories dead in the face.
Victoria Moore says: So, to dig into it a little, what Claire said was absolutely correct. The decision that came down was overturning the Federal Government's ability in this regard.
Victoria Moore says: The laws regarding abortion will now fall to the individual states. Which some will some wont. I think the biggest thing here is that now even though there has been a setback at a national level. There is a lot of room to lobby on the state level.
Victoria Moore says: You don't want the decision in Washington DC to effect your state? Then vote in a way that it will not. It's not a perfect solution, which would be a constitutional amendment....
Claire Skye says: It just seems there are more Republicans than ever though. I didn't even see any democrats campaigning this year.
Victoria Moore says: That is an issue. Unfortunately the Democratic party seems to have... eaten themselves? I can't think of a better way to put it.
Claire Skye says: I didn't know that was allowed, man. Seriously.
Victoria Moore says: You have a story there yourself. About a DNC politician that came in speaking of change, but becoming embroiled in controversy immediately.
* Claire Skye sighs.
Claire Skye says: Yeaaaaaah.
Claire Skye says: Talkin' about the dude who saw me in an article about ULSA and reached out to me on Facebrowser.
Victoria Moore says: To get even more political I am going to say something very unpopular. We need term limits. How many senators have been in office forever and just reap the financial benefits of their positions and do little else?
Claire Skye says: I thought there WERE. That's what I learned at least??
Victoria Moore says: Senators can run for re-election as looooong as they want.
Victoria Moore says: The only term limits in place are on the national level. The State level? Nope.
Claire Skye says: ...That. Doesn't make even a LICK of sense.
Claire Skye says: Like, helloooo? Senators are still powerful, why aren't you holding them to the same standards?
Victoria Moore says: Exactly. We have some Senators within the San Andreas senate who have held office since I was still in middle school.
Claire Skye says: Little hint: the one with the drawl.
Victoria Moore says: Well shucks not Claire, I'm just a country boy... Who is filthy rich.
* Victoria Moore snickers.
* Claire Skye cracks up.
Victoria Moore says: So that's the picture Claire. The federal government is becoming LESS involved in Β a lot of areas. Which allows the states to take control of more and more of their affairs.
Claire Skye says: With no limits on how long.
Claire Skye says: Grrrreaaat.
Victoria Moore says: Unfortunately here in San Adreas it's like cleaning up a shitstorm without a broom... or a mop, or anything else.
Claire Skye says: Hands are gonna get dirty.
Victoria Moore says: To say the least. Well, dear listeners that was us getting political.
* Victoria Moore chuckles.
Claire Skye says: Yeah, man, where did that even come from? We're talkin' about my birthday. I guess we're both just that political.
Victoria Moore says: I hate politics. I think the law is interesting enough I might take the San Andreas Bar exam.
Victoria Moore says: Since like... not to pile on but the job market out there is... deader than a dead horse that has been beaten to death already.
Claire Skye says: Oh damn, a lawyer with knowledge of psychology. That's an awesome concept.
Victoria Moore says: Not that unusual, also I've come to learn.
Claire Skye says: Oh? Good to hear, they gotta know this stuff.
Victoria Moore says: Well, I've been a bit of a shut-in for the past few weeks. What have you been seeing gong on, Claire?
Claire Skye says: ...Bout the same. Finally saw my Crypt friends again after a long-ass time but after that went back inside.
Victoria Moore says: Oh yeah? What has been going on there?
Claire Skye says: A lot of stuff I wish I was in on, honestly...
Claire Skye says: I'll be honest. I got zero motivation.
Victoria Moore says: Why is that?
Claire Skye says: Every time I go for something great I get shot down.
Claire Skye says: And when that... situation shot this down.
* Claire Skye sighs.
Victoria Moore says: Shot this down? I don't want to poke, but what's up?
Claire Skye says: It was already hard to get guests and then I find out it's not safe to just invite anyone on like I originally wanted.
Victoria Moore says: Reality jumped up on us at that one, didn't it?
Claire Skye says: But I don't want to give up on this, which is obviously why we're here but... man, that broke something in me.
Claire Skye says: I mean it's a good record, it taking a year and a half to finally lose your naivety in this city. But... heh, yeah.
Victoria Moore says: I get it. Nothing like having a Serial killer slide into your comment sections.
* Victoria Moore chuckles.
* Claire Skye snickers.
Claire Skye says: Good times. Well, terrible times, but, potato potahto.
Victoria Moore says: It's also being alive. You take the good with the bad, and those are the facts of life.
* Victoria Moore snickers.
Claire Skye says: The faaaacts of liiiife~. But I mean. I still only feel motivation to beat this one boss in a video game I pooled most of my time into but. That's how it be.
Victoria Moore says: Won't be the first or the last setback. Even if a lot of our shows are going to be like this. We will continue to have guests, just... guests that we an confirm the identity of.
Claire Skye says: Please slide into my DMs, but be prepared for a little vetting.
Claire Skye says: Well. A lot.
Victoria Moore says: You heard it here folks, you are welcome to slide into Claire's DM's. Dont bother with mine, I never respond to them.
* Victoria Moore chuckles.
* Claire Skye snickers.
Claire Skye says: I know that from experience.
Victoria Moore says: Most of the DMs I get are 'please remember to like... such and such page'.
Claire Skye says: But, uh. If we're friends, are you allowed to psychology me?
Claire Skye says: I know right??
Victoria Moore says: I mean sure? I've done it before. Do you need psychologing?
Claire Skye says: Bro I just told all the Clairvoyants about my lack of motivation and unwillingness to do anything, I think so.
* Claire Skye chuckles, trying to play it off as a joke but... it's not. They're scared. Their expression doesn't match the little laugh.
Victoria Moore says: Well, Claire. Malaise is not that uncommon, especially after a professional or personal setback. We... grieve not just loved ones, but we also can grieve for plans or Β ambitions too.
Claire Skye says: I'm trying to speedrun grief but the Depression boss is OP, send cheat clodes.
* Victoria Moore chuckles.
* Claire Skye chuckles along.
Victoria Moore says: Unfortunately it hast anti-cheat.
Claire Skye says: Dang it.
Victoria Moore says: Tell me then, Claire. Why do /you/ think you have this unwillingness to do anything?
Claire Skye says: ...Maybe cause it finally sunk in the mortal danger I danced around all this time. He's... gotten away with it before. Posted about it, bragged about it. But... man. I can't live in fear.Β 
Victoria Moore says: Life isn't safe, it's wonderous. It's... a unique and special gift. It can be scary and exhilarating, often at the same time. Sometimes you have to... understand that either one of us could walk out the door to the studio...
Victoria Moore says: And get hit by a bus.
Victoria Moore says: Now, that doesn't mean to do something foolish like jugging flaming chainsaws. But... there is inherent risks in just waking up.
Claire Skye says: My guy, I'm sorry for bringing this into things. I mean. The phrase is HAPPY birthday, not DEPRESSED birthday.
* A deflated party horn sound effect plays from an outside source. (( Claire Skye ))*
* Victoria Moore arches a brow and then reaches to her side and plucks a button on the soundboard as "Bad Titanic Flute theme" begins to play. Much clearer.
* Claire Skye wheeze laughs, slapping their leg.
Claire Skye says: You know my humor EXACTLY.
* Victoria Moore snickers.
Victoria Moore says: It seemed apt.
Claire Skye says: Good choice for the soundboard.
Victoria Moore says: I haven't be completely worthless since graduation.
Claire Skye says: Awwww come onnnn.
Claire Skye says: You've never been worthless.
Victoria Moore says: Well, much like yoruself Claire, I've also struggled with... feelings. I guess I"m less worried about mortal danger and more about...
Victoria Moore says: I poured my life into... getting into ULSA, getting a degree. Graduating. And just get told: "Sorry kid, you can't actually be what you want to be because there are no jobs."
Victoria Moore says: It's kind of a... kick to the shin.
Claire Skye says: ...I can imagine.
Claire Skye says: I can definitely relate too. Like. What'm I gonna get with a Liberal Arts And Sciences degree?
Victoria Moore says: I thought I'd be somwhat safe with a Psychology degree. Who'd have thought with a literal mental health crisis going on in the city... nah we got plenty of professionals.
Claire Skye says: It's bullshit, that's what it is.
Victoria Moore says: I'm sure someone is making money off it if somewhere. Probably someone in the government...
Victoria Moore says: Well, today is your birthday Claire. So... I think we'll wrap up with our last segment... And that is completely your choice. What would you /like/ to talk about. Claire?
* Claire Skye pauses.
Claire Skye says: I do wanna genuinely say I'm thankful I'm spending my birthday and fourth here.
Claire Skye says: I'm twenty three in the city that helped me be my true self.
Claire Skye says: So many people went into all that... just. I'll clown on Los Santos all the time, but. If I just... stayed with the status quo and let my parents control me. God, that's a scary thought.
Claire Skye says: I'm from bumfuck nowhere Virginia.
Victoria Moore says: And here you are now, in the city of dreams. In a studio with a rather nice view.
* Claire Skye chuckles softly.
Claire Skye says: ...Yeah. Here I am.
* The microphones can pick up the sound of fireworks from outside. (( Claire Skye ))*
Victoria Moore says: And I for one, and glad you are here as well Claire.
Victoria Moore says: Just as I am glad that all of our Listeners are here listening to us, just for a little while.
Claire Skye says: Me too, Tori. Me too. I've missed you guys as much as you missed us.
Claire Skye says: Sorry we made you listen through like thirty minutes of therapy.
* Claire Skye snickers.
* Victoria Moore chuckles along.
Victoria Moore says: If anyone would like to be a guest on our show, feel free to reach out to Claire on Facebrowser. And again be prepared for some vetting. But we /are/ looking for guests to appear on upcoming shows.
Claire Skye says: Exactly. If you got nothing to hide, don't be shy.
Victoria Moore says: I think that brings us to the end of this show tonight. Wouldn't you, Claire?
Claire Skye says: Yeah, yeah I would. Wow. I gotta go take a SUPER long nap after all that opening up, jesus christ.
Victoria Moore says: Say goodnight, Claire.
Claire Skye says: Goodnight, Claire. SEE, I GOT IT.
* Victoria Moore laughs lightly.
Victoria Moore says: YOU DID! Goodnight everybody!

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