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  1. OOC INFORMATION Galloping Goose MC are old, both in history and in membership; while not considered one of the "big four," they are recognised for being one of the first few clubs to be considered "outlaw." Our concept focuses on a struggling chapter who have been hit by law enforcement hard in recent years - they've lost half of their membership to the justice system, and those who remain are pushing the limits of what's considered a young man's game. We intend to portray an older set of outlaw bikers who are trying to hold onto the "good old days" while battling the struggles of the modern day - raising their grandchildren by day, masking up to hit a store robbery by night, all the while hoping their knees hold up if they have to flee. The Galloping Goose's membership mostly consist of older men ranging from the age of 40 to 78. Galloping Goose have long called Los Santos their home, but with recent struggles they'll need to bolster their efforts and numbers to get the chapter up and running and back to its former glory, taking inspiration from a real life instance of the Galloping Goose and Forasteros abandoning their clubhouse for fear of it being bugged, and hopping around from house to bar to house in order to host church. Eventually the chapter will settle back down again once the heat has died off. The unique aspect that comes with doing the Galloping Goose MC is that they're one of the few outlaw clubs to take the idea of ‘brother clubs’ seriously; one Goose described the relationship perfectly: “We wear their soft colors and they wear ours. They sit in our churches and we theirs. They were the ones who gave us our 1% patches to start off with, little fact. When one of our members patches out, they do not get a 1% patch until it is given to them by a Forastero, and the Forastero does not get a MFer patch till a Goose gives it to them." Our faction houses two clubs under one banner - the struggling Galloping Goose chapter who are native to Los Santos, and a small group of El Forastero nomads who have been tasked with helping restore their own chapter to its former glory - both of which will be housed within the same clubhouse. The same Goose as before describes this dynamic as well, saying: “I can’t remember who was down a clubhouse, but one of us was. I think it was the Forasteros that didn’t have one, so we told them to just come up and use ours. We drank and partied together all the time so we didn’t think anything of it. It was never done before and we thought it made us pretty different and it was a good thing. Ever since then every Goose clubhouse is a Forastero clubhouse and vice versa.” Our concept heavily relies on the culture of choppers. Members are required to build their own custom choppers if they seek membership, whether they use a hand from an experienced Goose/Forastero or not. Our central focus heavily revolves around our passion for choppers and our involvement in different fraudulent schemes such as bike theft. We hold all members of the faction to a high standard and expect those looking to join to want the same from their faction of choice. We intend to provide like-minded roleplayers with a solid platform upon which to develop their characters. Any queries should be sent to @junkhead
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