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  1. +1 Some very needed changes
  2. +1 add actual smoke too
  3. Boogiee

    State of Drugs

    Could’ve should’ve would’ve just not gonna cut it here. There is already OOC stats on drugs that only benefit shooters. My suggestion is we come up with something that makes each drug unique for everyone. Ain’t nobody telling you not to roleplay the way that you want and you’re entitled to your own opinion, but it’s the sad reality on the state of drugs and that’s just how it is. Should people roleplay according to your opinion? Yes. But why do you think there has been so many changes to the drug system? So it became useful for people, because sadly, most people are just not going to buy it it isn’t. If we lost all stats on drugs, you’d lose 60-70% of that market customers. I want to make it so, that it’s not only the majority of illegal players that buy it. Edit: Number is based upon 10 people that I asked. It’ll be cool if I knew how to make a pole on the thread so people could put in a vote. Definitely a rule that need changing
  4. Boogiee

    State of Drugs

    xoxoxoxo more guns for more drugs!!! Your comment is my whole point though. Drugs are taken for shootouts. A small percentage of players roleplay being addictive and choose to roleplay around drugs, making them buy often. Then like 90% of civilians never buy or buy once every month or second. There needs to be more benefits in order for it to go around for everybody. Actually having a demand for it beside HP. That's why steroid's have a high demand; offering a different benefit than HP. Yeah, more shooting and PK'ing benefits; that's what I'm trying to astray from. I appreciate your comment though! And I definitely see where you're coming from. Hard Drugs Stimulant Effect: Disables taser effects, reduces melee damage taken, increases melee damage dealt (1 acid minimum) Coagulant Effect: Removes current bleeding, prevents further bleeding (2 acids minimum) Euphoria Effect: Increases the health provided by the drug and reduces damage (3 acids minimum) Pharmaceutical Drugs Opiate Effect Lvl 1: Reduces bleeding, reduces melee damage (1 acid + 1 poppy seed minimum) Opiate Effect Lv2: Removes bleeding, reactivates self-healing (2 acid + 2 poppy seeds minimum) Opiate Effect Level 3: Reduces damage, reactivates self-healing. (3 acid + 3 poppy seed minimum)
  5. Boogiee

    State of Drugs

    I heard some truckers sniff just to stay awake and keep themselves up and running. Could do the same in game, but with what benefit?
  6. Boogiee

    State of Drugs

    Hi guys! So about two months ago I made Melissa Whittaker that got clear intentions on distributing her drugs onto the streets. I came across a few difficulties that made me question the drug-game itself and it's roleplay around it. 1, Am I the only one that has a difficult time finding civilian's that bring RP around it? Are drugs useless to civilian characters? If so, how do we make it useful for them? Why don't we give them a few "attributes" such as, if a trucker takes coke; he'll be able to carry a few more crates. Anything else besides health, because health only applies to illegal characters, that like shooting or staying on all ten. Examples I understand the line of making things too RPG'ly, but if we already have stuff like tolerance... Why don't we also get a stress level, that makes marijuana effective to reduce anxiety? The only thing drugs are good for on an OOC'ly point is health, but if you continue on that sort of thread, you'll always have busted up drug-RP. We should instead, have coke help you with speed and agility for a short period of time/being able to carry more in your legal jobs such a piloting or trucking. Have meth help you with accuracy for a short period of time/making your bullets take a few extra HP from the opposing, but also decrease your health and also increase your stress level = then marijuana can come into play. These are just a few examples, and I'd love to hear some more! I highly respect any civilian character that hits my character up on FaceBrowser and ask for drugs, but it doesn't happen very frequently. It's usually gangbanging characters or criminally associated characters, which I don't find very cool just to keep it a buck. Don't get me wrong, It's always nice getting my characters load off, but where is the civilian characters? Only drug that has a different benefit are steroids. They have a high demand as usual. If we could just have different benefits to all drugs, all drugs would have a high demand. We need to give civilians more reason to buy drugs! DRUG PROTEST Y'ALL!
  7. Boogiee

    Special BMX

    Thank you for your answer! Very helpful! I’ll try your method and let you know 😊 The picture isnt from this server, but it’s the closest looking one that resembles the pimp bike I saw. I don’t play with mods though, so I’m certain what I saw was authentic.
  8. Boogiee

    Special BMX

    The mechanic player owned, right? Cause that's where I went to do it 😞 I scrolled through must've been like a lot of rims and colors. But thank you! If anything and I did it wrong, I hope you can clarify a litte. Bless!
  9. Boogiee

    Special BMX

    Hi So one time I was strolling around in Davis when I saw a pimped out BMX appear on my screen. I don't know what else to define it as. It had golden rims and just looked so fly. Ever since that day I've hit all type of admins up, trying to see if anyone know how it's possible. Things I tried: 1, Go through every rim and color change of the rims for the BMX (❌) 2, Even try different bicycles and do the same ^^ (❌) I know I wasn't delusional when I saw this! Unfortunately I didn't get no screenshots and my shadowplay was disabled, but I do have a screenshot of another bike that resembles it a lot. Any help or suggestions are appreciated!
  10. +1 #Stopthecheckeredshirtmovement
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