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exodia's left leg

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Everything posted by exodia's left leg

  1. -1 I don't agree with forcing people to roleplay in one spot, because that limits roleplay opportunities, some people dislike rping in Los Santos and like to roleplay in Paleto Bay/ Sandy Shores and some people enjoy roleplaying in Los Santos but dislike the before mentioned places.
  2. I want to suggest that when you press on "Create new Character" when logging in that, that tab when it pops up to enter in the name, would also have a "Cancel" option. Because I don't know how many people are experiencing the "Menu auto scrolling bug", but when you click on "Create new Character" by mistake, because it automatically scrolls on it, you can't go back to character selection and have no other choice, but to restart the game. This is annoying and even more to those that have slow PCs which take a long time to boot up Gta V.
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