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Everything posted by Sicario

  1. All I'm suggesting is you shouldn't be using the argument that it is a badge or a tag when those who donated went out of their way to have a shiny massive donator tag put on their name. It's exactly the same argument. That serves no practical purpose but to apply a new fancy color to stand out. It is literally equivalent to any other the arguments made about measuring dick sizes with a "badge" that was not even suggested in the main post. I don't even know why it's being mentioned.
  2. I'm going to point something out real quick. If you notice those who are arguing about having a badge or status to claim some sort of superiority are those with the massive platinum/gold donator tags that had to be specifically added to their forum accounts. That's a little hypocritical, don't you think so?
  3. LS-RP Illegal Faction Management was definitely toxic and biased. That's ultimately because of the server's steep decline, which resulted in the urgency of filling positions. Where I think we have a difference in opinion is regarding the systems. People wanted an official faction on LS-RP for the perks solely. The more guns and drugs, the more power they had over the market. That translated to OOC influence and that's where the toxicity came into play. This system does not reward with in-game perks so it really should not put the same strain on GTAW as it has to other communities.
  4. You understand that the current system in place completely discourages joining factions? That's already a huge issue. Why join up a faction when I can get the same guns, drugs, etc. as long as I create an application with a few of my buddies? Sure, not everyone has time to be a leader. But those who put in more than a handful of hours could arguably manage a Discord and a few members. I'm not sure how its done here but on LS-RP it would be based on experiences with factions with those in FM and members of faction management would spectate candidates at random to ensure actual quality and not fabrication through screenshots.
  5. I'm going to encourage you to re-read what I wrote. Either you did not read it properly or you're purposely taking it out of context. No one is saying you need to take orders. It's guidance. If you believe your faction is perfect. There is nothing more to it. That's it. If you want to develop as a faction and further yourself you have the possibility to reach out and seek help from those who run the official illegal faction. Obviously, you're not going to ask someone who has just been recently associated, but rather someone in a leadership role. Also, I fail to understand where you get the idea of "official factions" having power. What power? A status? It's like the Ballon d'Or in soccer (football for those in Europe). It's recognizes and awards those of excellence. It does not give them any special powers.
  6. No one said anything about a badge. You're missing the point completely and comparing it to LS-RP. The way I envision "official" is a mentor position within the illegal or legal faction community. Someone that could be looked up to for guidance to those who reach out or that illegal faction management could approach for an experienced and reputable opinion on potential changes or additions that would directly impact the role-play genre (e.g. ROE modifications).
  7. I'm going to have to second Sinatra. A faction can be up for months and months but eventually without a goal or purpose people do get easily board. That's one thing LS-RP did have down that was decent was giving factions something to work for on an OOC level. Giving perks like guns and drugs is where LS-RP went haywire. It created an environment where instead of aiming for that title for good reasons, it was instead used for the perks. Here, what is being proposed is "official" without any perks being given out. Personally, I think we'll notice an overall decrease in longevity because the slightest demotivation can lead to a faction closing. It's like playing GTA V single-player with a 100% save file. Sure it can be fun but there is no working towards a goal.
  8. Personally, I do not think badges are an accurate measurement of quality factions. Sure, a faction can be on the server for six years. Does that make them of higher quality in comparison to a faction that has been around for three years? Putting the label of "official" would only reinforce that the faction has earned a concrete position that should help mold potential uprising factions that would like to pursue the same path.
  9. That is because once a faction got the status of official they were suddenly given access to drug and weapon warehouses which is where that system was flawed. The system being suggested solely aims to award long lasting factions who have significantly impacted the server for the better. This would simply grant a faction recognition as a top role model among illegal factions, or legal.
  10. Perhaps the official faction status idea could command greater influence with topics specifically related towards illegal factions as a collective. Maybe Illegal Faction Management consults with the leadership of factions in which earned official status before implementing or making modifications to certain areas of the illegal role-play genre. After all, those who would have the status would be experienced and reputable.
  11. I think the whole concept of having official factions representing the server is a good idea. What I think is a strain on the system is having official factions rewarded with weapon and drug warehouses. That is counter-productive and only develops a motivation to obtain the status for selfish reasons. I'm aware that the current system is on an application basis for weapons and drugs as far as I know. This is definitely a better system then prior servers that specifically awarded those perks through official status. Official status should only be a token of appreciation that is awarded to a faction that has shown activity, motivation and outstanding quality. The faction should have a fantastic reputation and should have been around for a minimum of a year, at least. That way, when a faction is decided for official it acts as a role-model to those aspiring to follow suit and positively represents the community.
  12. This is going to go far. Quality stuff.
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