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  1. Name: Wilhelm GroenewaldBid: $240,000
  2. Name: Wilhelm Groenewald Bid: $155,000
  3. I am looking to purchase a house in the countryside, preferably around the San Chianski Mountain Range or the North Alamo Sea. Other houses are also considered as long as they are somewhat privately located. Please contact me on [email protected] with pricing and pictures. ((Forum PM)).
  4. "Germans lift your hands". Welp, that did not age well.
  5. I am not sure which country you reside in, the creator of this thread. Many people around the world do not possess firearms simply because the law does not allow them to. In many countries you would have to have very specific and special circumstances to be granted a license to possess a firearm and in order to carry a pistol, and on top of that concealed, requires exceptional circumstances. The general sentiment put forth, if I understood it correctly, of 'less gunplay and more roleplay' I can certainly subscribe to but the main points I took issue with are the stereotypes and the conclusions derived from them. A trucker; 1. Is generally well off, financially, in the vast majority of developed countries in the western world. They do tend to be away from home a lot though, especially in the United States where labor laws are quite lax. 2. If your trucker has a family and works to sustain them this could possibly be an incentive to protect themselves to continue to do so? 3. Truckers, in the United States, in most states are not legally prohibited to conceal-carry a firearm. Dangers on the road including 'a group of blacks' and 'mobsters' who steal your cargo really falls in to the stereotypes portrayed on the server. Mobsters robbing your truck really harkens back to the 1920's. A black person working at a Chinese restaurant, an Arab in a motorcycle gang and a black middle-class person living in the countryside rubs a lot of stereotypical players the wrong way. When in fact black people, like everyone else, can and do work in all manner of businesses as well as some of them want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Arabs join motorcycle gangs, at least in Northern European countries, much like many other ethnicities. I would implore you to review your own stereotypes and the conclusions you derive from them. I thank you for your input and discussion is always good.
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