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El Cid

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Everything posted by El Cid

  1. I'm not sure where to go with this, but someone revoked my business with no warning or notice on the forums, UCP or Discord. I just got a notification from a trail admin in game. I'm trying to remain cool about this, but I busted my ass creating this place and have got nothing but positive feedback on it. I know there's a ban appeal section, but I'm not banned. My business was just revoked for some reason. Does anyone know where to go or who can help?
  2. Just wanted to chime in since I saw this pop back up on my timeline. It took me a while to get into the groove, but I did find a faction and got a better feel for things not too long after this. Factions are fun, but I also found that creating a character that entertained me worked too. The only thing was I had to put him out there to attract attention and work with the cards I was dealt with him. After that, it was kind of like building upon the little bits and pieces I ran into on the street and expanding. So there's different ways to do it it seems, but yeah, having fun and getting good rp now consistently. ?
  3. Hi all, just realized there's a forum for screenshots, and since I really enjoy taking screenshots, I thought I'd start my own thread for fun! Thanks!
  4. El Cid


    Short description: Add bait to the fishing script, and able to be sold through shops. Detailed description: Add an in game item called simply 'Bait' (or if you want to get fancy, different types of lures, worms and flys). The player could then use the bait via command and get a boost to quality of fish caught or speed to catch a fish. You could then have the 'bait' removed each time a fish bites or whenever the player uses /cf. Whichever is better balanced for the server. Commands to add: /baitfishing or /fishingbait (or whatever works). Items to add: Bait (either simple or more variety. How would your suggestion improve the server? It would add another layer to fishing, especially if it's ever expanded beyond the three fishing spots. Also it would give players another item of value that others would want to buy from their stores. Additional information: I know, another fish suggestion. ?
  5. Ahhh right right, forgot about that. Thanks!
  6. Hi, when posting a screenshot to the forums, it says the max file size is .33MB. Is that for everyone, or do donators/long time members have the ability to put larger? Thanks!
  7. Thought I would collaborate screenshots that I have been taking early in the morning GTA time. I just enjoy take them of things that catch my eye at the time, so I figured I'd use this as a repository to any folks who like them. Thanks!
  8. Hey all! Just wanted to pass this site along for anyone who wants to RP mechanic stuff but isn't sure of the in's and out's. I've used this site a few times to learn how to fix something on my car, and it's been easy to follow every time. Hope it helps, thanks! https://www.carcarekiosk.com/
  9. El Cid


    Awesome, thank you!
  10. El Cid


    So how do dashcams work in GTAW? I don't think I've seen an actual in game item, so is it something I just say I have when asked? Do I need to rp installing one? And I assume it would basically allow me to use screenshots from something right? Secondary question: I think I heard there's some sort of shadow recording thing that runs in the background? Is that correct? Thanks!
  11. Yeah I kind of took it as the 'spirit' of the rule is, don't buy legal guns once you start heading in the direction of joining a gang (which I assume covers other iterations like mob, mafia or whatever). That being said, once that decision has been made, how do you give up your license? I tried doing it through the LSPD messaging system, but no luck so far. Should I ask an admin to take it away maybe? Thanks as always for the feedback folks!
  12. So I understand you're not allowed to have a PF License if you join an illegal faction. My question is, how is the timing on joining the faction determined? Is it when you have decided to join the faction or that you may want to? Is it when you are actually added to the faction in-game? Or is it when you start working with said faction, even if you are not added to the faction menu thingy in game? Thanks!
  13. I never met any of my landlords tbh. I should clarify I'm strictly talking about the places you can do the /rent in game. Which, I guess I'm not sure is possible to separate out. But I agree, RP should be paramount, I just have never seen any of these types of landlords online.
  14. Short description: Tenant/Roommate Listing or Number Detailed description: When you do /rent, have it list out the names or number of potential roommates. Commands to add:N/A Items to add: N/A How would your suggestion improve the server? It would allow people to be aware if there are roommates and how many. Names would let you know who is renting with you, so you can know if they're roommates or burglars. I understand that could raise some meta-gaming concerns, so if not that, at least the number of people in there with you. Realistically, you wouldn't pay rent on a place when you have no idea if someone is coming in your door. Additional information: I've ran into issues twice now, once where I had no idea I had roommates and almost attacked a guy, and another where the other tenants didn't know I lived there and almost shot me. This would help with that hopefully. Thanks!
  15. El Cid


    Ahh yeah, good point, I'll do that. Thank you!
  16. El Cid


    Is there a list of in game charities? I recall seeing one for one of the churches not too long ago, but I was curious if there are others in game? Thank you!
  17. Right I gotcha. I didn't know about the admin/rp version, but I did also want to know about the mechanical version as well in game. Thanks!
  18. Short description: Working Pay Phones Detailed description: There are many payphones in the game, and I think it would be cool if you could make calls from them the same way you can make calls from pay as you go phones. Just instead of /cellphone, you could use /payphone. It would only work in range of a payphone, and the interface/UI of it could be similar to the ATM's. Once you punch in the phone number, you would then be charged like pay-as-you go. Commands to add: /payphone Items to add: N/A How would your suggestion improve the server? It would allow people who have recently been mugged and had their phones stolen to report the crime without having to run back to the cell phone store. Also, if you choose not to carry a cellphone, you could use them to make calls when needed. Additional information: I'll be honest, I have no idea how hard this would be to implement in comparison to the pay off, but it would be a neat feature to have if possible. If not, no worries, spaghetti at the wall. ?
  19. Ahhhhh ok cool! Yeah I don't need one to chunk at people or anything lol. Or even arson, so this will work. Thank you! ?
  20. Ugh... we're not allowed to even make a simple molotov? I mean I suppose I understand if they're worried about players going nuts with them, but only being able to get them through weapons dealers seems kind of extreme. However, I do appreciate the information, thank you!
  21. Hmm... doesn't seem to work. Says 'ERROR:Command Not Found'?
  22. Short description: Car Alarm Text Notifications Detailed description: So my suggestion is, when someone sets off a car alarm, add a text message on screen or in the chat box or whatnot that let's them know it was set off. This would keep it fair in the cases of sync issues, as the player could then decide if it was worth it or not to continue or flee the scene. Commands to add: N/A Items to add: Text alert for audio or visual car alarm that is set off by the criminal breaking in. How would your suggestion improve the server? It would eliminate unrealistic and unfair situations where a person attempting a /vbreakin has no idea a car alarm is going off, when they would naturally be able to hear or see the alarm going off. Would not apply to any kind of silent alarms or gps locator or anything like that. Additional information: I've twice now broke into a car using /vbreakin, and for some reason had no sound or flashing lights or anything indicating that an alarm had been set off. I'm referring to those car alarms that would attract attention from passerby's, cops, etc. I don't know if it's a sync thing or what, but both times the person who came running said (or rped) that they heard or saw car alarms when on my side, I heard and saw absolutely nothing.
  23. Same as title. I can't seem to find how to do it anywhere on the forums? Thanks! P.S.: I'm not planning on going on a killing spree or anything, just had an idea for something rp related. ?
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