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Everything posted by SkyeLove

  1. The default head for head #45 was the one I was getting whenever I did /hat on. None of the changes from plastic surgery were showing up for anyone else. I bought Female Advanced Model from the clothing store kind of as a last option. "Maybe if I redo her head from default it'll show up the right way" I brought her to the Plastic Surgeon & just copied everything over from scratch, I had her face attributes in notepad. Now /hat on shows up as the second face instead of staying on the first. Changes in the lips & nose and jawline.
  2. ^^ remaking her face from female advanced model made /hat on work the way it should. ty for helping me everyone ! ?
  3. This happened in the apartment as well, two of us. Someone told me it could be a RageMP issue & that it could be fixed in an update, do u think that's the case ?
  4. i was doing that earlier today after we talked , she still looks different apparently
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