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The Berserkers Motorcycle Club

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The Berserkers Motorcycle Club was formed in Morningwood, also referred by it's locals as "The Wood'" on the 22nd of March 2024. The Berserkers Motorcycle club was formed by likeminded individuals from within the city and county not fitting in with other clubs & groups involved in the motorbike scene, the founding members decided to invest and form their own tribe & community dedicated to the way of life they see fit within the neighbourhood they already had strong ties within. Not only did the founding members have strong ties within the spot the club decided to plant it's roots in, but the region offered some of the best riding routes for the club members, roads spanning off through the Tongva Valley and The Great Ocean Highway.


The club sports the one percenter patch & promotes living by their own codes & values by doing so, the core value at the heart of the Club. The patch itself, formed by a three patch piece including it's top & bottom rockers, with in-between the Fenris wolf, from Norse Mythology. The founding members chose to sport the iconic patch due to the message behind it, explained by the core founding member of the time who was deeply enthralled by the history & mythology of the Scandinavian people; "When the world ends, Skoll' will eat the Sun, Hati' the Moon while Fenris will break free from the Chains Tyr, the god of Justice placed upon him to devour all of the gods. This symbolizes our rebellion against modern day society." 


When questioned, The Berserkers spokesman re-assured the local press & authorities that the club has no plans to cause disruption to the local area they intend to call their home, and intend to assist the community in any way they possibly can. The Berserkers spokesman went on to answer questions, and brought up that the club intend to perform community events and charity events to pay back to the community which will be hosting them. Despite this re-assurance, it seems the core values of the club could indeed conflict with some of the neighbourhood. 



The Berserkers is a fictional One Percenter Motorcycle Club which is intending to represent the present day motorcycle club scene & lifestyle in a realistic manner. The faction itself has been inspired from various different real life one percenter motorcycle clubs & utilizing lore focused from Norse mythology to build up the club's imagery & lore around some myths which will be linked back to the present day & age. The club is being roleplayed from the establishment & foundation to allow for more creative freedom within reason & to allow for some dynamic changes based on direct In Character developments.


The faction intends to represent all aspects of the motorcycle club culture & lifestyle, this includes life inside & outside of the club be it family or other personal things in a members life to properly & accurately portray the scene. The founding members, like expected of new characters all have intricate relationships, businesses & other personal matters which allow for more fluid & dynamic events to arise fitting for the scene. It is urged, if you're looking to become involved in this faction to do research, ideally from ex-club members from the past & to look up how some of the clubs operate in present day as we're striving to create a realistic & true to life scene which also allows the players to have fun with it. 


If there are any issues, questions or concerns please message myself @Aldaz108 or @TechnicalDifficulty


Edited by Aldaz108
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