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Krikorian Cousins

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Biography of Mikayel Krikorian




Date of Birth: 21st of April, 1998

Place of Birth: Gegharkunik, Armenia




Chapter 1 - Early years



Mikayel Krikorian's early years in Gavar, Gegharkunik were marked by the duality of a seemingly ordinary life juxtaposed with the shadows of his father's clandestine activities. Garik Krikorian, while presenting himself as a respectable businessman, lived a double life immersed in the murky world of organized crime. As a young boy, Mikayel was oblivious to the intricacies of his father's illicit dealings, and the Krikorian household bore the facade of a typical Armenian family.

The Krikorian family home was adorned with the trappings of a comfortable life, with family portraits adorning the walls and the aroma of Anahit's cooking wafting through the air. Mikayel's early memories were filled with laughter, family outings, and the echoes of Armenian folktales shared by his parents.

As Mikayel grew older, however, the subtle signs of his father's involvement in criminal activities began to reveal themselves. Late-night phone calls, mysterious meetings, and unspoken tensions within the family left an indelible mark on his formative years. Despite his father's efforts to shield him from this dangerous world, Mikayel's intuition sensed that something was amiss.

The year 2013 became a pivotal juncture in Mikayel's life. The facade of normalcy shattered when a rival faction from his father's criminal past caught up with the Krikorians. A series of ominous events unfolded, culminating in a violent confrontation that left their once-tranquil home in disarray. The incident forced Mikayel's father into a precarious position, attempting to sever ties with his criminal past to protect his family.

In the aftermath, the Krikorian family found themselves thrust into the crossfire of danger. The once-stable life Mikayel had known began to unravel, and the sense of security he once felt was replaced by a constant undercurrent of fear and uncertainty. Little did he know that this turbulent chapter in his early years would set the stage for a dramatic escape to the United States, laying the foundation for the challenges and choices that awaited him in the years to come.

Chapter 2 - Teenage Turmoil



In the whirlwind of events that followed 2013, Mikayel Krikorian's life took an unexpected turn, immersing him in the gritty side of Gavar. Wrestling with the aftermath of his father's criminal ties, Mikayel sought refuge in unconventional places. Enter Mateo, his cousin, a reliable ally during these trying times.

As the Krikorian family aimed to regain normalcy, Mikayel found himself drawn to the streets, seeking an escape from the haunting memories of that pivotal night. It was in these shadows that he encountered a world of soft drugs, a temporary distraction from the harsh realities he faced. These substances provided a momentary respite from the pain and confusion swirling in his young mind.

Mateo, a street-smart guide through the city's darker corners, introduced Mikayel to this new world. The cousins, united by shared disillusionment, formed a bond that offered solace amidst the chaos. Mateo became Mikayel's rock, a trusted companion in a world that felt increasingly hostile.

Together, they navigated the maze of alleyways and hidden spots where the city's disenchanted youth sought refuge. The dim glow of neon signs framed the backdrop to their growing friendship. Mikayel, now in his late teens, teetered between the familiar world he once knew and the captivating allure of a subculture promising escape.

Yet, the soft drugs, initially a coping mechanism, soon became a double-edged sword. Mikayel grappled with the consequences as addiction threatened to tighten its grip. The bond with Mateo, while offering companionship, also tied him to a lifestyle drifting further from the path of redemption.

As the years passed, Mikayel's life became a delicate balancing act between the weight of his family's tainted history and the intoxicating freedom his newfound associations offered. Unbeknownst to him, the choices made during these pivotal years would cast a long shadow over his future, setting the stage for a perilous journey awaiting him in the city of San Andreas.

Chapter 3 - Seeking SanctuaryUl1A1uS.png


During Mikayel Krikorian's teenage years, life got pretty chaotic. And just when things seemed overwhelming, the political situation in Armenia threw another curveball his way. The whole country was in unrest from 2017 to 2020, and it made Mikayel's personal struggles even more complicated. With everything falling apart, he decided it was time for a change.

So, he took a bold step and left Armenia, aiming for a fresh start in the United States, specifically in San Andreas. Why San Andreas? Well, it seemed like a good bet – diverse communities and the promise of flying under the radar. Mikayel hoped it could be the place where he'd finally shake off the shadows of his past.

Arriving in San Andreas, he felt a mix of nerves and hope. Settling down in Morningwood, the city's lively streets and cultural vibe offered both the anonymity he craved and a chance to rebuild his life from scratch.

But adjusting to this new chapter wasn't all sunshine. Mikayel had to face his past head-on while trying to make sense of things in this foreign land. The echoes of political turmoil in Armenia lingered, a constant reminder that stability could be fragile, and navigating the unknown required resilience.

Little did Mikayel realize, his journey to San Andreas wasn't just a change of scenery; it was a stepping stone to a future filled with challenges, opportunities, and the ever-present shadow of the choices that shaped his rollercoaster past.
















Chapter 4 - Figuring Things Out



As Mikayel settled into his new life in San Andreas, he found comfort in the company of his cousin, Mateo. Facing common challenges, they became each other's support system. Little did they expect the twists that awaited them in the city.

In Morningwood, they met Narek, a charming guy tied to the Guryev Organizatsiya. Initially friendly, Narek played a significant role in shaping the cousins' fate. Unbeknownst to them, he had connections to a world steeped in shadows and illegal activities.

Narek slowly drew Mikayel and Mateo into a life that straddled the line between friendship and crime. What began as simple favors transformed into darker deeds, showcasing the underbelly of San Andreas. They found themselves involved in recruiting for Narek's schemes and distributing drugs in the city.

The trio became entangled in criminal pursuits, from recruiting vulnerable individuals to participating in illegal drug trade, store robberies, and car thefts – all masked as a distorted form of friendship.

Despite the moral dilemmas, Mikayel and Mateo clung to their bond as a lifeline in a world demanding loyalty. The thrill of their new lifestyle mixed with the constant fear of consequences, creating a delicate balance between the allure of crime and the dream of a better life.

As the present unfolds, Mikayel, Mateo, and Narek navigate the murky waters of loyalty, crime, and friendship in the vast city of San Andreas. Unaware of the challenges and betrayals ahead, they embrace the shadows they've chosen to call home.




Edited by Ramesses
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Mateo was born and raised in Gegharkunik, Armenia. Being from a strong family that valued their Armenian heritage so much, his father for example who was a blacksmith taught him the values of hard work and resilience among others. However, Mateo and his brothers Vartan and Arman, along with their cousin, and Mateo's best friend, Mikayel formed an unbreakable bond.
As political crises arose in Armenia, and specifically in the family's hometown in Gavar due to the border conflicts between Armenia and Azerbaijan, political hardships appeared and Mateo had imagined a future that would offer better prospects for his household. After hearing about the well-being of Mikayel, his cousin and childhood friend who had already migrated to the US, Mateo made the bold decision to follow him. There were few job openings while cost of living was so high, focused on maintaining the needs of his relatives back home, Mateo tried to find means by which he could overcome these obstacles.
At this point, he reconnected with Mikayel whom he had not seen in a while but who by that time had already been involved in criminal groups such as connections within the Eurasian Organized Crime. This consequently led him to other individuals who worked underground handling quick illegal jobs.
However, despite the crime and danger around him, Mateo managed to retain his origins. He often told tales of his hometown to new friends and developed relationships with unexpected people that offered him comfort, including friends he made through Mikayel in the Morningwood district after moving in with him.
Mateo was aware of the risks associated with criminal activities but still hoped to improve his family’s life. He was devoted to Vartan and Arman, and it was this commitment that guided his every decision in the chaotic world of organized crime.

Mateo continued to grow in his relationships within the criminal underworld of Los Santos, his trust in his younger cousin never failed him, who also introduced him into the world of crime. Thus, it was possible for both of them to establish connections with other immigrant communities, that were mainly Eurasian, striving for their own share of the American Dream.

Edited by Boody
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