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SADEM stance on the dismissal of State v. Vernon Fitzgerald


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SADEM stance on the dismissal of State v. Vernon Fitzgerald

The San Andreas Democratic Party has been following the latest developments in the situation regarding the dismissal of State v. Vernon Fitzgerald case.


We have seen the Press Releases of the Los Santos Police Protective League, the Association for Los Santos Deputy Sheriffs, the San Andreas Correctional Peace Offcers Association, et cetera as well as the District Attorney's Office response on the matter, informing the public that JSID is looking into the case.


In high profile cases such as this, it is imperative to undertake every effort possible to ensure that Justice is swiftly and accurately served. As such, we expect to see swift and accountable action from the JSID, in order to restore faith in the DAO's integrity and adherence to not only proper Judicial procedures, but also to seeing to that Justice is served. We expect to see accountability and corrective actions, not just blame shifting.


In the event of an unsatisfactory conclusion, it is our duty as representatives of the people to act upon it.





Nikos Karagiorgis

Chairman of the San Andreas Democratic Party


Edited by Kraethas
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