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"A jack of all trades is a master of none- but it's a hell of a lot better than a master of one."

- Shakespeare... Probably.


The ballad of Louis 'English' Loose- a thread following a British immigrant with dubious morals and an empty wallet.


Edited by LG_Loose
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January 3rd, 1963- Lawrence Loose is born to Raymond and Grace Loose at an unknown hospital southeast of London. December of that year, younger brother David Loose is born at the same hospital.



After the third consecutive month of the family's inability to pay off all of its expenses, Lawrence Loose applies for part-time employment at a garage as a mechanic; despite a lack of customers, the garage reported record profits year after year. Towards the end of the year, Christmas festivities in full swing and snow draped over every surface, Lawrence's bosses began to pay him "overtime" to deliver letters and packages to various people and businesses; whilst never directly informed of the contents of his deliveries, Lawrence could only imagine what could be inside.



On a seemingly regular September morning, Lawrence Loose knocks on the door of a pub for his first delivery of the day. Instead of the door opening but a crack as would be the case with a regular customer,  Lawrence was met with a police constable ready with a pair of handcuffs waiting for him. Lawrence was sentenced to a medium security prison for a sentence not exceeding six years.



After serving his sentence in its entirety, Lawrence returned to his bosses' garage to receive more work- only to find it in a state of disrepair, posted as 'for sale' by the local bank. With prior payments from his deliveries, combined with funds from several of Lawrence's childhood friends, L.L. Mechanics™ opens its doors- offering services ranging from an oil change to a gramme of Colombia's finest; the money from which being used to support the business' expansion, Lawrence himself and his younger brother's firstborn child. There were twelve men- Lawrence's younger brother included- and one woman working at the legitimate business- atleast in those first few years; together, they were known to local car thieves and drug addicts as the East Thirteen.

The 1990s

By the dawn of the new decade, the East Thirteen had grown thricefold and had expanded operations further into the city. Lawrence's younger brother David had married and bought a house- the new millennium edging closer and closer. Over the course of the 90s, David Loose and his wife had three more children [Larry, 1994] [Donald and Thomas, 1999] and a rival organisation had attempted a hostile takeover, leaving four of the original thirteen dead and a further five imprisoned. East Thirteen had opened a few pubs, garages, trucking depots, etc. over the course of the 90s- though never expanding out of its somewhat-recently-established territory.


Unknown highstreet, SouthEast London, 1990s

The New Millennium

Sun, sea, Y2K scares, terrorist attacks and internet conspiracies- the new millennium was here. David Loose's eldest child, Cole, had married and had three children [Louis, 2001] [Landon, 2003] [Harry, 2007]. The East Thirteen, though deterred by a new age of wannabe gangsters and increased police presence, continue to grow steadily- raking in hundreds of thousands of pounds yearly.


Cole's wife, mother of Louis, Landon and Harold Loose, is arrested on suspicion of murder- though eventually charged with manslaughter... Causing Cole to embrace the spiteful arms of drink and their children to fare worse in school as a result. Despite the success of East Thirteen, most of Cole's income was spent on alcohol and other spending habits of his- causing the household to miss the occasional bill here and there.

In the midst of a turf war with a rival organisation, Cole Loose is shot dead in a driveby shooting. The courts appoint his children's paternal grandfather, David Loose, as their legal guardian; David, much like Cole, opted for the absentee's approach to parenting- frequently leaving the children under the care of their Great Uncle Lawrence Loose.



Seeking extra money to support himself and his two younger brothers, Louis approaches his Great Uncle for a job in one of his garages- to which he accepts.

The cycle repeats.



At age 18, following a particular 'incident' as described to him by his Great Uncle, Louis was asked to drive a shipment of auto parts across town- for which he was paid handsomely.

Over the next couple of years, Louis was given more and more morally questionable tasks- with more and more income for him to support his younger brothers accompanying it. Over the course of Louis' time working for his Great Uncle alongside his other Uncles- who became moreso like brothers to him- Louis picked up on the growing & creation of several narcotics- primarily marijuana and various pills... As well as the logistics of both them and the money coming from which. Whenever business was slow, Louis would also help procure vehicles for his Great Uncle.


At age 20, after a no-knock police raid, Louis' Great Uncle and several others are arrested, later sentenced to serve life in a maximum security institution. In the following year, police crack down on several of his Great Uncle's businesses, slowing  cashflow significantly and putting many, including Louis, out of a job.



Rival organisations from farther north began encroaching on what-used-to-be Louis' Great Uncle's territory, seizing shipments and burning down numerous associated businesses.

On the crisp morning of August 12th, 2023, Louis' youngest uncle- head of the family- was shot dead on his doorstep... marking the end of the East 13's now-faded criminal enterprise.

Louis and his two younger brothers absconded to New York, seeking a fresh start, where his two brothers settled back into the pleasant and uneventful lives that they had always known; Louis, on the other hand, did not.


After stealing money from a prominent loan shark ring in New York, with nobody to fight alongside him, Louis fled yet again- as far from New York as possible- this time to Los Santos. Determined to make a name for himself, Louis was ready to seize any opportunity he could find.





Edited by LG_Loose
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  • 2 weeks later...

" America  is  the  land  of  the  second  chance  -  and  when  the  gates  of  the  prison  open, the  path  ahead  should  lead  to  a  better  life. "

- George W. Bush


Or, rather, one where the path doesn't involve getting caught.
- Louis Loose


Edited by LG_Loose
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