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PG Rule Poorly Worded

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The "RP of Injuries" section when broken down and read word for word only covers the following instances:

  • Shootings
  • Being in the downed/injured script
  • Force CKs to players in wounded/downed mode


The rule fails to consider that a player might be injured from other things such as a car crash and not put into the wounded/downed mode. This resulted in my character being CK'd which I am less then pleased about. 



Allow me to give an interpretation of the rules from a players perspective.



Players that are placed in the downed mode (wounded mode) with a headshot will be considered automatically dead. If you survive and are not placed in wounded/downed mode - you can RP the injuries not being as serious. This ruling comes into effect when you are hit in the head and are placed in the wounded/downed mode stage at any point of the shooting. For example, if you are downed and you have five leg shots, and only one head shot, as soon as you are in wounded/downed mode, you will be forced to PK.


The opening paragraph clearly only refer to people shooting and being headshot. If you're headshot and downed, you PK. Headshot but not downed, you RP less serious injuries. That is essentially what this part of the rule is telling us.



If you are shot in the chest/neck and are placed in wounded/downed mode, you will have a rough estimate of five to ten minutes to live depending on if you receive adequate medical attention that is up to generalized medical standards. The final decision can be made by an administrator if there is a question whether or not you will be forced to PK or not. We understand at times it takes upwards of five minutes to begin the RP process, so we ask that players use common courtesy when being placed in downed/wounded mode. If the injuries are treatable and medical attention/medical aid is being given - players cannot force themselves to die in wounded/downed mode or they have the potential chance of being CK'ed.

The last paragraph covers players receiving medical aid when in a wounded/downed mode. At three points it specifically states "wounded/downed ". Clearly addressing the fact that players who need to follow this paragraph of the rule would be in the wounded/downed mode. This "mode" is obviously referring to the script we have in place when you're injured that forces you into a desaturated state with your player downed and unable to move. As is evident in the CK application my character was laying down with a /anim so clearly I was not in this wounded mode and should not have been subjected to a CK under the current ruling in place on GTA:W.

The only mention of force CK is the last line which clearly states wounded/downed mode, yet my character was CK'd by Baker with complete disregard for what the rule actually says. I was just told that it was an unwritten rule basically which is obviously not fair as no one can follow a rule they don't know exists.


The below spoiler is a revised version of the "RP of Injuries" section. It uses 20 less words and includes everything that previously existed in the rules along with this unwritten rule that my character was CK'd for by stating the following.



"Players cannot force themselves to die through the use of roleplay commands when not in a wounded/downed mode."



RP of injuries:

A shot to the head results in death when the player is placed into the downed/wounded mode, if a player takes a headshot but is not in downed/wounded mode it can be roleplayed as non-fatal.


Players in a wounded/downed mode have an estimated five to ten minutes to live depending on if they receive adequate medical attention that is up to the generalized medical standards. Administrators have the final say if there is ever question whether or not you should be forced to PK or not. We understand at times it can take upwards of five minutes to begin the medical RP process, so we ask players use common courtesy when being put into a wounded/downed mode. 


Players cannot force themselves to die through the use of roleplay commands when not in a wounded/downed mode. Furthermore, players cannot force themselves to die in a wounded/downed mode when medical aid is being provided. Both instances can result in a forced CK by administrators.



Edited by Peat
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