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About Shaweton

  • Birthday 10/28/1999

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  1. March 4 Development General /autogrammar - Automatically corrects capitalization and missing sentence-ending periods. /togambience - Toggles ambient sounds such as city effects and construction noises. /settrashlocation - Sets the home's trash location for garbage collectors to pick up trash. /setup2fa - Enables two-factor authentication for the account. /afk - Displays the user as away from keyboard (AFK). /onduty - Shows the number of online FD personnel, forensic examiners, taxi drivers, mechanics, and -if in prison- guards. /vacation - Can be used only once a year. Prevents properties from being deleted due to inactivity for one month. /togidlecamera - Changes the style of the idle camera triggered by GTA V when the character remains still for a while. /togtyping - Toggles the visibility of the "..." indicator appearing above players' heads while they are typing. /clearchat - Clears the chat screen. /createscene - Adds a temporary scene information pointer to the ground. (Visible like /me, can be set between 1 and 30 minutes. /createscene time text) /deletescene - Removes the temporary scene information pointer. /hud - Removes all GTA:W HUD elements including money, location, and text at the bottom. (Different from F7, alternative to F7.) /togr - Turns off the in-game radio. /ads - Displays the advertisement interface without needing to access the phone. /toggle ad - Enables advertisements to appear in the chat screen. /toggle adnotify - Toggles on/off the bottom-right screen notifications. (Assists in speeding up game entry.) /fines - Checks character fines. /sdl - Shows the driver's license to the target player. /swl - Shows the weapon license to the target player. /styles - Changes the walking style. (Gold Donator+) /charity - Donates the specified amount of money from the economy to charities for deletion. /roll - Rolls a die and displays a number between 1 and 6. /cam - Takes out the camera. (Must have purchased from a 24/7 before.) /scuba - Allows breathing underwater if wearing a scuba suit. /construction - Allows external mapping. Permission required with /report. (Platinum Donator+) /knock - Knocks on a property's door. (/bell enables ringing the doorbell.) Vehicle Commands /cb - Out of Character chat in the vehicle. (Only visible to occupants.) /vfines - Checks fines in the vehicle. /sp - Turns on the speed limiter. /sp off - Turns off the speed limiter. /reportstolen - Reports a stolen owned vehicle. (Plate can be found from UCP, /reportstolen plate) /reportfound - Reports finding an owned and stolen vehicle. /vpitems - Puts all inventory items into the vehicle. /vtitems - Takes all items from the vehicle inventory. /exitcar - Allows exiting the current vehicle. (Alternative to F, G, or Enter.) /showrecord - Shows the DMV records of a vehicle to another player. (Records must be purchased from DMV, /showrecord player record number.) /hood - Opens the hood of a nearby unlocked vehicle. /vunregister - Removes the vehicle's plate. (Requires paying 20% of the vehicle's value to the DMV for re-registration.) /checkdirt - Shows the level of dirt accumulated in the vehicle over time. (Can be cleaned at car washes.) /seasharkpassenger - Allows a character to sit as a passenger on an owned seashark. /anchor - Anchors the boat and keeps it in place. Phone Commands /resms - Sends an SMS to the last person who sent an SMS. (Works only on non-CEF phones.) /hoparlor - Puts the phone on speaker allowing nearby individuals to hear the conversation. Prison Commands /releaseme - Releases the character from TTCF when the sentence is over. /cellinfo - Provides information about the cell currently occupied in the prison. /jailcharacter - Converts a normal character to a prison character.
  2. slidedance2 (dancing, party, nightclub, club) smoke3 (cigarette, to smoke) smoke5 (to smoke, smoking) takingcover2 (to hide, to hide, to shrink, to be afraid, to withdraw) vibewithdrinking1 vibewithdrinking2 (dancing, alcoholic dance, drink, nightclub, club, party) vibewithdrinking4 vibewithdrinking5 (dancing, alcoholic dance, drink, nightclub, club, party) wavedance2 (dancing party waving waving or nightclub club)
  3. brooming2 (sweeping, broom, brush, cleaning, dusting) camera3 (camera, photograph, picture, pose, machine) claphands (applause, applause, hand) clean2 (wall, cleaning, brush, wiping, dusting) cover (to hide, to hide, to shrink, to withdraw) crouched2 (stoop, crouch, kneel down, stoop down) crunches (doing crunches, doing sports) facepalm (face, hopeless, palms, despair) grounddigging (dig, examine, bend, crouch, kneel, stoop down) groundhurt3 (to suffer, to writhe, to be beaten, to be injured, to collapse) hammer (hammer, repair, renovation, blow) headnod (nod, nod, approve) idle7 idle3 (posture, waiting, bored, impatient, standing) idle23 idle39 (posture, waiting, bored, impatient, standing) idle45 idle42 (posture, sway, rhythm, light dance, movement) idle51 idle48 (stance, dialogue, look, conversation) interview (microphone, interview, journalism, asking questions, broadcasting, channel) kicking2 (kick, fight, beat) leaningcrossedarms (lean back, lean against the wall) partydance32 (dancing, arms up, party) partydancedrinking (dancing, alcoholic dance, drink, nightclub, club, party) phonestand2 (looking at the phone, texting, texting, hanging out on the phone) pushups2 (to do push-ups, to do push-ups, to do sports) radiochat4 (using radio, radio announcement, communication) raking2 (using a rake, garden cleaning, sweeping, leaves, cleaning) ravedance6 ravedance15 (dancing, arms up, nightclub, club, party) ravedance72 ravedance74 (dancing, couple dance, party, nightclub, club) shower (bathe, bathe, shower, water, bathtub) situps (doing crunches, doing sports)
  4. Useful Animations You can search for keywords that evoke the relevant animation by using the CTRL + F combination for quick access. Animations are listed side by side, male and female. Sections with different GIFs in a row show alternatively more appropriate animation according to gender. You can save the animations that you think you will use frequently by pressing the U key and keep them ready for the role. When you want to find an animation that is not on the list, you should use the /anim search keyword format in-game. To easily use animations in the game, you can use the .animationname format after pressing T, so you do not need to use the /anim animationname format. If you know of an important - and moving - animation that is not included here, please mention it in the comments, and it would be a good idea to write a short article about the function of the animation. I will be following the guide and updating it based on feedback.
  5. slidedance2 (dancing, party, nightclub, club) smoke3 (cigarette, smoking, taking out a cigarette) smoke5 (smoking) takingcover2 (to hide, hide, shrink, be afraid, withdraw) vibewithdrinking1 vibewithdrinking2 (dance, alcoholic dance, nightclub, club, party) vibewithdrinking4 vibewithdrinking5 (dance, alcoholic dance, nightclub, club, party) wavedance2 (dancing, party, waving, waving, nightclub, club)
  6. brooming2 (sweeping, broom, brush, cleaning, dusting) camera3 (photograph, picture, pose, machine) claphands (utterance) clean2 (wall, cleaning, brush, wiping, dusting) cover (to hide, hide, shrink, withdraw) crouched2 (bending, crouching, kneeling, stooping down) crunches (sitting up, doing sports) facepalm (hopeless, despair) grounddigging (dig, examine, bend, crouch, kneel, stoop to the ground) groundhurt3 (to suffer, to writhe, to be beaten, to be injured, to collapse) hammer (repair, renovation, blow) headnod (approve) idle7 idle3 (posture, waiting, bored, impatient, standing) idle23 idle39 (posture, waiting, bored, impatient, standing) idle45 idle42 (posture, swaying, rhythm, light dance, movement) idle51 idle48 (posture, dialogue, gaze, conversation) interview (microphone, reporting, asking questions, broadcasting, channel) kicking2 (fighting, beating, beating) leaningcrossedarms (leaning back, leaning against the wall) partydance32 (dancing, arms up, party) partydancedrinking (dance, alcoholic dance, drink, nightclub, club, party) phonestand2 (looking at the phone, texting, texting, hanging out on the phone) pushups2 (doing push-ups, push-ups, doing sports) radiochat4 (using,announcement, communication) raking2 (using a rake, garden cleaning, sweeping, leaves, cleaning) ravedance6 ravedance15 (dancing, arms up, nightclub, club, party) ravedance72 ravedance74 (dance, couple dance, party, nightclub, club) shower (bathing, washing, water, bathtub) situps (doing crunches, doing sports)
  7. FAQ: Useful Animations You can use the CTRL + F combination for quick access to search for keywords that evoke the relevant animation. Animations are listed side by side for both male and female. Sections with different GIFs on the same line represent alternative animations more suitable for each gender. You can press the U key to save animations you think you'll use frequently and keep them ready for roles. When you want to find an animation not listed, use the in-game command /anim search keyword format. To easily use animations in the game, after pressing T, you can use the .animationname format, so you don't need to use the /anim animationname format. If you know of an important - and dynamic - animation not mentioned here, please specify it in the comments. Additionally, it would be good to write a short description of the animation's function. I will be following the guide and updating it based on feedback.
  8. Other /addfriend - Used to add a player to your friends list. /pay - Allows you to give money to another character. /deposit - Deposits money into the bank. /withdraw - Withdraws money from the bank. /transfer - Makes a bank transfer to another player. /directory - Shows whether players in your contacts are online in bulk. /ads - Displays the direct advertisement menu. /blockpm - Blocks a user from sending you private messages. /bjoin and /bleave - Join or leave a job in a business owned by the system. /createinformationmarker - Places an information message. /deleteinformationmarker - Removes an information message. /anim handsinpockets1 or 2 - Animation to put hands in pockets. /walk - Automatic walking. (Not necessarily a significant productivity tool.) /licenses - Checks the licenses you have. /showdriverlicense - You know. /showweaponlicense - You know. /badge - Displays the badge. /opentable - Sets up a betting table. /closetable - Removes or closes the betting table. /jointable - Joins the betting table. /leavetable - Leaves the betting table. /joinnews - Listens to news channels. /stopnews - Stops listening to the news channel. Prevents the broadcast from appearing in the chat log. /graffiti - Enables graffiti. /clean - Cleans the graffiti. /coords - Displays your current location's coordinates. /jailtime - Shows the remaining IC jail time. /jailrequest - Converts a character to a prison character. /ad - Used for general advertising. /cad - Used for company advertising. /bad - Used for business advertising, VIP. /anim search - Searches for an animation using keywords. (/anim search sit) /sa - Stops an animation. /dice - Rolls a dice. /flipcoin - Performs an automatic emote for coin toss (heads or tails). /calculator - Opens a calculator.
  9. Faction Commands /finvite - Invite a player to the faction. /faccept - Accept an invitation to join a faction. /fkick - Remove a player from the faction. /leavefaction - You know. /fmenu - Faction menu. /fonline - Show active players in the faction. /togglefaction - Hides the faction chat for the user of the command. /nof - Turns off faction chat for everyone. /vfaction - Add a vehicle to the faction. /vunfaction - Return the faction assigned vehicle to your character. /fspawn - Spawn the faction vehicle. /ftow - Respawn vehicles that are spawned but do not have any players inside. /fdeposit - Transfer money from your character to the faction bank. /fwithdraw - Withdraw money from the faction bank. /fbank - View the faction bank.
  10. Business Commands /openbusiness - Shows that the business is open. (The command should be used before opening the business and should be closed when not in use. Mandatory requirement.) /closebusiness - Cancels the display of the business being open. /listopenbusiness - Displays open businesses, including those not visible in the I window. /startshift - Allows you to start a shift at the business where you are employed. /endshift - Ends the work shift. /bar additem - Adds food and drinks to the business's inventory. (You can perform buy and sell roles by pressing the Y key.) /createdrink - Used to create a non-system alcoholic beverage. (Must have an alcoholic beverage other than beer in your inventory.) /createitem - Used to produce food, drinks, and more. (/createitem price quantity itemname) /iconpicker - Used before producing an item, allows you to select an icon for the item. /bmanager - Business management screen. /bsetmenu - Transfers the menu you have prepared for the business to the game. /viewmenu - Allows other players to view the menu. /setstation - Selects a radio station. /radioshow - Adjusts or mutes the music volume. /pentrance - Sets or changes the business entrance location. /givepropertykey - Gives property keys to others. /tenants - Allows you to see the people to whom you have given keys. /kicktenant - Command to take back the keys from a person to whom they were given. /brecruit - Offers a job at the business. (Alternative to /bmanager.) /bfire - Fires an employee from the business. (Alternative to /bmanager.) /bdeposit - Allows you to deposit money into the business safe. (Alternative to /bmanager.) /bwithdraw - Allows you to withdraw money from the business safe. (Alternative to /bmanager.) /doorshout - Shout inside or outside the door. /pay - Allows you to make a cash payment. /bpay - Allows you to receive payment via a bank card. /baccept - Allows the customer to accept payment made with a bank card. /pautolow - Restricts sounds inside the business to nearby players only. /buyproperty - Used to purchase a business. /sellproperty - Sells the business to another player. /sellbusiness - Sells the business to the system. (At half price.) /rent - Allows you to rent the business. /unrent - Allows you to leave the rented business. /fur - Furniture system command. /doorme and /doordo - Send emotes inside or outside the door. /doorshout - Shout inside or outside the door. /ptime - Adjusts the time zone of the business. /ptime -1 - Synchronizes the business time with the outside world. /putlock - Places a lock on the door. /removelock - Removes the lock from the door. /puthandle - Places a handle on the door. /removehandle - Removes the handle from the door. /badblip - Sets the icon to appear on the map for the business. (For business advertisements, VIP feature) /delblip - Removes the icon. /pinfo - Displays details about the business. /fixinvi - Refreshes the interior and all objects inside. /preload - Automates the /fixinvi command for any player entering the property. /enter - Enter the business using a command. (Alternative to the Y key.) /exit - Exit the business using a command. (Alternative to the Y key.) /propertylock - Locks or unlocks the business. (Alternative to the L key.)
  11. Home Commands /rent - Rent a hotel room. /unrent - Leave the rented hotel room. /pmenu - Home management screen. /myhouse - View details about the house you own. /buyproperty - Purchase a house. /psp - Sell the house to another player. /sellproperty - Sell the house to the system. (At half price.) /givepropertykey - Give house keys to another player. /tenants - Allows you to see the people to whom you have given keys. /kicktenant - Command to take back the keys from a person to whom they were given. /pdeposit - Deposit money into the house. /pwithdraw - Withdraw money from the house. /fur - Furniture system command. /doorme and /doordo - Send emotes inside or outside the door. /doorshout - Shout inside or outside the door. /pinv - View the house inventory. /bell - Ring the doorbell. /ptime - Adjust the time zone of the house. /ptime -1 - Synchronize the house time with the outside world. /settenantlimit 3 - Increase the tenant limit. /putlock - Place a lock on the door. /removelock - Remove the lock from the door. /puthandle - Place a handle on the door. /removehandle - Remove the handle from the door. /pinfo - View information about the house. /fixinvi - Refresh the interior and all objects inside. /preload - Automate the /fixinvi command for any player entering the property. /enter - Enter the house using a command. (Alternative to the Y key.) /exit - Exit the house using a command. (Alternative to the Y key.) /propertylock - Lock or unlock the house. (Alternative to the L key.)
  12. Vehicle Commands /vstats - Allows you to view information about the vehicle you are in. /engine - Enables or disables the vehicle's engine. (Y) /vlock - Locks or unlocks the vehicle. (L) /vpark - Parks the vehicle. /vget - Takes the vehicle out of the parking spot. /vduplicate - Gives the vehicle keys to another player. (Temporary keys, unlimited vehicle keys are not given.) /vinv - Provides access to the vehicle's inventory. /vscrap - Allows you to sell the vehicle to the system. (At half price.) /sellvehicle - Allows you to sell the vehicle to another player. /abortsale - Cancels the vehicle sale. /antitheft - Allows you to check the GPS location of a vehicle. (The vehicle must have a GPS installed.) /cw - Whisper to everyone inside the vehicle simultaneously. /mechanic - Allows you to start working at the repair shop. /vehattach - Attaches a motorcycle to a vehicle. /payfine - Allows you to pay traffic fines. /unregister - Removes the license plate from a registered vehicle. /vehicledetails - Adds a description to the vehicle. /vexamine - Allows you to see the description of another vehicle. /vfaction - Adds the vehicle to the faction. /vunfaction - Returns the faction-assigned vehicle to your character. /fspawn - Spawns the faction vehicle. /call 205 - Calls the insurance company to check your vehicle's insurance status or get insurance for your vehicle. /trunk - Opens the trunk of the vehicle. /carwash - Allows you to wash your car.
  13. Phone Commands /sharenumber - Sends your phone number directly to the recipient's chat to save your number in their contacts. /sendlocation - Sends your current location to another player. /directory - Displays a list of your contacts and shows whether they are online or not. /call - Initiates a call to another player using a command. /pickup - Accepts an incoming call. /hangup - Rejects and ends an incoming call. /sms - Sends a text message to another player. /messages - Displays received messages. /addcontact - Saves a phone number using a command. /removecontact - Deletes a saved phone number. /contacts - Shows the list of contacts in your phonebook. /myphones - Displays existing phones and their numbers. /phoneoff - Turns off the phone. /phoneon - Turns on the phone if it was previously turned off. /setmainphone - Sets the main phone if you have multiple phones. /applycustomnumber - Sets a custom phone number. (You must exit the game before purchasing a phone from UCP.) /phonedirectory - Lists important phone numbers. /pme and /pdo - Allows sending emotes to another player via phone. /selfie - Switches to the front camera for taking photos. /ad - Places a general advertisement. /cad - Places a company advertisement. /bad - Places a business advertisement, VIP. /contacts - Contacts 1-5 list contacts in different formats. (E.g. /contacts 5 shows all online contacts.)
  14. Character Commands /characterdetails - Edit or display the characteristics of your own character. /examine - Examine the characteristics of another player's character. /changechar - Change the character, relog. /stats - List some information about the character. /to - Address a character directly. /lowto - Whisper to a character in a low voice. /my - Add possessive suffix to a name. (*George Washington's cigarette is lit.) /melow - Shorten the view distance of the me emoten. /dolow - Shorten the view distance of the do emoten. /cw - Whisper to everyone in the vehicle at the same time. /face - Change the facial expression. /outfit - Change or select outfits. /resetoutfit - Command to reset the outfit. /decals on/off - Enable or disable decals. (If decals appear black, you should leave the crew you are in on GTA Online.) /glasses on/off - Put on or remove glasses. /ears on/off - Put on or remove eyewear or earrings. /undershirt on/off - Put on or remove an undershirt. /pant on/off - Put on or remove pants. /hands on/off - Put on or remove gloves. /socks on/off - Put on or remove socks. /bra on/off - Put on or remove a bra. /panties on/off - Put on or remove panties.. /dropitem - Drop an item on the ground. /changehelmet - Select a helmet to wear when getting on a motorcycle. /helmet - Put on or take off a helmet. /anim search - Search for an animation using keywords. (/anim search sit) /sa - Stop an animation. /enablepointing - You know. /enablecrouching - You know. /enablecrawling - You know. /helpup - Help someone else get up from the ground. (Cannot help characters who are shot with a weapon.) /requestcarry - Allow carrying another character on your shoulders. /hairtie - Tie up the hair; various hair styles can be chosen instantly. /greet - Greet someone.
  15. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Click on the section you want to access from the command types listed below for quick access. You can use the CTRL + F combination for fast searching. 1 - Character Commands 2 - Phone Commands 3 - Vehicle Commands 4 - Home Commands 5 - Business Commands 6 - Faction Commands 7 - Other If you know a command that is not listed here, please mention it in the comments and it would be helpful to write a short description of its function. I will be following the guide and updating it based on the feedback.
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